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The Little Mermaid
chapter eight



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chapter eight.
home economics.


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                    EVEN JEFF SEEMED TO BE GOING THROUGH IT. Britta stood behind the two zombies, looking between them silently. Jeff had slept all class. Elina had sat in the back with her book in front of her face. Curiously, she decided to break the ice. "Are you guys okay?" she asked. Elina scoffed. "Peachy," she replied sarcastically. Jeff nodded in agreement. "Well, what about you, then? It looks like you have actual bed head this morning."

In all honesty, Elina hadn't noticed anything off about Jeff. She hadn't noticed much of anything except for the fact she wore sweatpants that day to class. "In fashion, I'm what's known as a tastemaker," Jeff retorted. Britta scoffed. "And you missed an entire side of your face shaving." Elina had to stop them. She turned toward Jeff and finally took notice. He did look off. He looked tired. "Whoa," she blurted out. "You look crazy."

His eyes narrowed at the younger blonde. "I actually got dressed today. What did you do?" he fired back. Her lips parted in slight surprise. It looked like he regretted his words almost as quick as he said them, but he didn't even attempt to apologize. Instead, he chose an escape. "Here comes Vaughn. Bye." He thought with that, he would escape both of them. But Elina wasn't entirely excited about seeing Britta's ex-fling either. She flashed her sister an apologetic smile before racing after the lawyer. "Hey, Oscar the Grouch!" she called after him.

He didn't look back at her, but he did slow down. It didn't take her long to catch up with him. "Hey, what's going on with you? You're extremely irritable." Their pacing matched. Jeff huffed. "Just tired," he responded. "I didn't sleep well last night." Her brows shot upwards. He had been pretty honest quick. "What about you? Your eyes are all swollen." He met her eyes. Her frown worsened. "I broke it off with Mack," she admitted. "He's getting the rest of his stuff today and he wants me to be there so he can return to key. He's scared if he leaves it, someone will steal it."

THE LITTLE MERMAID ━━ Jeff WingerWhere stories live. Discover now