Hair dye and Birthday parties

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By now all of the brown had faded from my hair and my roots had grown out several inches. So I went back to the hairstylists. They bleached my hair back to its normal color and London sat on my lap and played on my phone while we waited for the blue, pink, and purple tips to dry.

"No sweetie, you have to hold down not just tap the screen." I told her. I showed her how to do it and the frustrated look on her face instantly melted away. "Do you know what tomorrow is London?" I asked. "No? What ish it?" She said, trying hard to pronounce the 's' in is. "Your birthday. Do you know how old your turning?" I asked her. "Sefen." She said excitedly. "Umm not quite." I said with a laugh. "Six?" She asked. "Your turning two silly." I said and she smiled. "Oh yeah!" She said looking embarrassed.

"Did you get all my present?" She asked, struggling to pronounce the words correctly. "I did are you excited?" I asked. She nodded her head enthusiastically. "Aaron can't make it but Shawn, Matt, Hayes, and all the other guys are coming." I said.

"Why Aaron not coming." She asked. "Do you remember nick? You where just a baby when he saw you so you probably don't." I said. "What happen to Mick?" She asked. "He's with God now. And even though he's in a better place we all still miss him, especially Aaron and his family." I said.

She looked sad then smiled. "I'm glad your not with God. Even if it's better there than it is here." She said. I smiled and kissed her forehead. "On our way him let's pick up some balloons." I said. "I thought we have bawoons." she said. "You can never have to many balloons." I told her and she giggled.

"How many do you want?" I asked her. "Sefen!" She said. "We can get three big and four small. We did take the jeep." I noted and thought how we could just tie them in the back and she could sit in the front with me. She picked out Disney princess balloons and she also ended up with a giant toy pony which I didn't protest about when it some how ended up in the cart because it was extremely cute.

"You and Skylynn can play with that." I said. Her eyes lit up at the sound of Skylynn's name. "Sky is comin?" She asked. I nodded and she started dancing around. I laughed and helped her carry the balloons and pony to the car. London reminded me a lot of Skylynn. She was sassy at times and sweet at most.


Here's the last chapter! Sorry this story is really bad😬😷 Oh well! I don't know if I'll be making a sequel but I'm thinking about it. Hope you liked it.

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