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"For the love of Eywa, Adhara. Save me from this hurt." Said her aunt. Pregnancy was never not stressful for her aunt. Adhara, being only 15, could only soothe her head pain with medicinal herbs. "When I was pregnant with sweet Tsireya, your mother did wonders to me. She was just a miracle, her mate? Not so much. Oh Rigel, why must've you left us." Adhara could only stay quiet and listen to her aunt's rambling.

Adhara stood up from the net of the Marui and started speaking. "I'm going to meet with Ao'nung and Tsireya by the reef. I'll come back before eclipse." And off she went, to her cousins who were waiting for her.

"Tsireya!" Adhara called. "Adhara, finally!" Adhara walked next to her favorite cousin and smiled at her. "Aunt Ronal wanted me to help her with her head pain. She says I'm just as good as my mom." Tsireya nudged her side, "You are." Tsireya added. Her cousin always made her feel secure unlike her other cousin, Ao'nung.

"Wassup cuz, oh oops sorry." Ao'nung kicked away the sand castle Tsireya and her were building. Tsireya scoffed and rolled her eyes while Adhara stood up and pushed him roughly. "What is up with you today? Is it that time of the month?" Exclaimed Adhara, she's had enough of this rough play her cousin had been provoking. She just wanted to relax for one day with Tsireya.

Her eyes narrowed and her ears flattened as she and him were having a stare off, "Freak, I'm not hurting you because you're a girl and mom would kill me." "Since when do you care about what aunt feels?" Ao'nung hissed and showed his canines, Tsireya was about to say something but the horns were heard.

They all looked up to see ikrans flying and landing. "Visitors!" Tsireya called out to Adhara and motioned for her to follow Tsireya. Adhara called out for her ilu and plunged into the water, making the bond with her ilu, Wezen, in the process. Ao'nung had left with his friend group luckily.

Tsireya called off her ilu and so did Adhara. Her cousin swam to the shore and stood up gracefully, even pushing her hair back but Adhara? Let's not talk about it... She swam to the waist length shore and stood up, almost immediately slipped on a dull rock and ate absolute shit.

She stood up again and took a moment to get all her braids out of her face. Adhara rushed behind Tsireya and looked up at the visitors. "Damn." Adhara looked at the people, they had deeper blue skin, thin arms, and thin tails with a little hair at the end. Just then Ao'nung and his boyfriends circled the two younger boys.

Tsireya kept a close eye on them and rolled her eyes at her brother. 'I see you.'  The younger boys gestured at Ao'nung and his friends. Ignored. Like always, Ao'nung thinks he's superior. "Look. What is that? Is that supposed to be a tail?" Rotxo pointed out, they snickered and mocked. Just then Tsireya smacked Rotxo's pointing arm and narrowed her gaze. "It's too small."

"Do not. Rotxo, Ao'nung." She scolded them. Rotxo and Ao'nung stopped mocking them and rolled their eyes. "Hey." One of the younger boys called to Tsireya. Tsireya grinned and looked down. Adhara, catching ahold of this moment, scoffed and chuckled in amusement.

Just then, Tonowari and Ronal arrived. Adhara and Tsireya gave each other a knowing look before looking back at the crowd. The family focused on Tonowari and Ronal, greeting them respectfully and Tonowari greeted back, but Ronal was not too excited about the whole situation. She was not in a good mood.

"Why do you come to us, Jakesully?" interrogated chief Tonowari, Ronal was more confused than Tonowari. "We seek uturu." The whole crowd was taken aback, "Uturu?" Asked Ronal. "Yes. Sanctuary for my family." Ronal started to walk around them.

"We are Reef People, you are Forest People. Your skills mean nothing here." Tonowari sighed. Ronal grabbed ahold of the youngest child, "Their arms are thin..." she grabbed an older girls tail. "Ow!" the poor girl exclaimed, "...their tails are weak. You will be slow in the water.
These children— are not even true Na'vi!"

Ronal raised the same girls hands, showing her five fingers to The People. "Yes, we are!" The girl seemed to be a fighter, did not enjoy being humiliated. The family paced a tiny bit and swung their heads to the side in humiliation. She grabbed the younger boys hand, Tsireya now more focused than ever. "They have demon blood!" Ronal added, this was horrible.

The crowd took a step back and all gasped and started whispering among themselves, obviously talking about the people in front of them. The father finally decided to talk, "Look. Look! Look I was born to the Sky People, and now I am Na'vi. You can adapt, we will adapt. Okay?—" The father tried to make them believe, tried to make Ronal believe. She's a hard nut to crack.

"My husband was Toruk Makto. He led the clans to victory against the Sky People." The mother said proudly, she surely was a proud woman. "She loves her mate dearly." Adhara told Tsireya, Tsireya nodding in agreement.

Ronal was not completely convinced, "This you call victory? Hiding among strangers?... It seems Eywa has turned her back on you, Chosen One—" Ronal was interrupted by the mother growling and showing her teeth at the Tsahìk. She did the same back and leaned forward. The two men stared at each other in despair.

"I apologize for my mate. She's—" "Do not apologize for me." "—gone a long way and she's exhausted." "Jake!" She said through her teeth, obviously mad but she backed away after a couple of seconds.

Ronal turned around and looked at Tonowari, contemplating. "Uturu has been asked." The mother commented, the family sighed and dropped their shoulders in disappointment.

Adhara decided it was enough, she's heard enough and turned her heel to leave. But then, "Jakesully and his family will stay with us. Teach them our ways for them to not suffer the fate of being useless. My son Ao'nung, my daughter Tsireya, and my niece Adhara will show you the village." Ao'nung quickly started to protest,"But dad—" "It is decided." Tonowari stared off and nodded at Jakesully as a welcome.

"Oh my Eywa! The younger brother seems so cute." Tsireya giggled and Adhara scoffed, "They are not here to find love, cousin." Adhara reminded Tsireya, it's true. They are exhausted and fleeing from war, the least they need is a little love to distract them.


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