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It had been a whole week since Adhara had been in what Jakesully and his nerdy friends called a 'coma'. Ronal always got mad when seeing Jakesully's friends because they were human doctors, not Na'vi doctors.

Neteyam sat beside her for at least two hours everyday, he missed Adhara but he would never admit that. Ronal did know, she was disappointed but she grew to tolerate the situation. The boy made her beads and jewelry everyday, he was head over heels for her. Neteyam would never admit it to her, but it was true. Everyone could see it.

He was currently walking toward the Marui pod Adhara was resting in. "Bro!" Neteyam heard someone calling out for him, he looked around and his eyes landed on a particular figure. "Spider." He said silently. He had forgotten about Spider, Neteyam kind of hated how Adhara got injured for going back for Spider.

Spider had went for a hand shake, but Neteyam declined it. He tilted his body away from the human boy, Neteyam took a big gulp and gritted his teeth. "What's up?" Spider questioned, he raised an eyebrow and licked his lips. Neteyam looked around and turned his heel to continue walking toward Adhara. Spider, left dumbfounded, just stood there in pure confusion.

Neteyam arrived at the Marui pod, only to be surprised by a lively Adhara. "Adhara." Neteyam whispered under his breath, she smiled slightly and Neteyam inched toward the girl slowly. He had reached her and stood right in front of her, keeping eye contact with Adhara. Neteyam's breath hitched and Adhara wrapped her arms around his waist.

"You missed me?" She asked cheekily, he couldn't see but she had a huge smile on her face. "Never." Neteyam held onto her tightly and did not plan on letting her go. She chuckled and planted her forehead on his shoulder, Neteyam was playing with her braids. They stood like that for about a whole minute. Just enjoying each other's presence and warmth.

"Netayam—" Ronal paused, "Adhara!" Her aunt had broken their hug and interlocked her hands around her niece's, Ronal had a huge smile on her face, she was more than happy to see her sister's child, whom she has raised, in good conditions. Adhara looked down at her stomach and saw how she had a gun shot scar, she tilted her head and grinned.

Had she not pushed Neteyam, he would've gotten injured or even worse, died. "You should not have done that, Neteyam can fend for himself." Ronal scolded Adhara for her reckless actions, but Adhara didn't feel regret for that, she felt proud. "It is better for me to take the hit than to grief the death of a loved one." She shrugged her shoulders, Adhara glanced at Neteyam and noticed a cheeky grin plastered on his face.

Ronal clicked her tongue and spun her around, she took a good look at the girl's braids. "Tsireya will redo your braids." Ronal let go of her hair and before leaving, she turned around. "Rest for one more day, my child." And off she went, to Eywa knows where. Probably to talk to Neytiri, they had gotten pretty close despite their aggressive encounter.

"Loved one?" Neteyam started. Adhara groaned and rolled her eyes, "I'm supposed to protect you, that's what I did." She sat down on her mattress and crossed her legs, grabbing a bowl of cooked fish. Adhara started ripping the fish to small bites, with her hands. "It's okay to love me. In the forest, every single girl wanted me." He sat down next to her and straightened his posture.

"Too bad, ocean girls don't." Adhara smirked and gave him the side eye, Neteyam huffed. "That's weird, then how come I've gotten 3 confessions in the span of one month?" He pretended to scratch his chin in confusion. Adhara looked at Neteyam and felt her stomach drop, she didn't know why she was feeling that way, but she did not enjoy it. "Probably desperate whores that go for what they can find." She scooted away from him and turned her back on the, now confused, boy.

"Are you jealous, Adhara?" She could feel his smirk through her back. Neteyam grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back toward him. Adhara let out a yelp as she fell into his chest, she looked up at Neteyam and noticed, just like her, a shocked expression on his face.

Adhara quickly pushed him away and sat on the other corner of the mattress. "Cousin!" Yelled a familiar voice. It was Tsireya. Adhara stayed on the floor and gave the younger cousin a smile, even if her thoughts were still running and she could not seem to calm down. Tsireya jumped down and landed cross legged right next to Adhara, her land caused a loud echo sound all over the pod and the whole pod shaking.

"How are you?" Tsireya placed a comforting hand on her
cousins shoulder and gave her a look. "I feel normal. As if I just had the sleep of a lifetime." She explained, she did intact feel well rested. "That's good— turn around." Tsireya pushed slightly on her shoulder, motioning her to turn around. Adhara gave Tsireya her back and her cousin started braiding her messed up bed hair.

"Skinny braids or thick braids?" Tsireya asked, combing through Adhara's hair. "Skinny." Tsireya grabbed ahold of a stick carved just for separating hair. Adhara looked around where Neteyam was seated, but the spot was empty, he had left when nobody was looking. She was glad he had left, she wanted some time to process how she felt toward the Omaticaya boy. "I'm done." Tsireya finished the last braid and let her shoulders rest.

"What is that?" Adhara pointed at her cousin's wrist, where she had an odd looking bracelet on. Tsireya lowered her head and let out a shy giggle, "Lo'ak made it for me, isn't it neat?—" "Stay away from him, Tsireya." Adhara had a stern look on her face, indicating she was far more than serious. Tsireya furrowed her eyebrows and narrowed her gaze at her cousin.


I've been so busy with school and stuff, I'm so sorry for making you all wait.



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