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Adhara locked herself (not literally) in her cot, she didn't want to go out and feel the shameful stares of the clan. She felt like she was letting her people down.

Hopeless, that's how she felt. She spent her days making jewelry and braiding her own hair, trying to find her own style. Adhara braided her hair about twice a day, her ribs were visible, she wasn't eating as much as she should have.

She loved Neteyam so much that she barely ate. Ronal noticed, the woman was worried. She was feeling bad about restricting her from talking to the boy Adhara loved, it wasn't the right way to confront Adhara.

Adhara found joy in braiding, but she would feel alone again whenever she was done braiding, so she unbraided her hair and braided it again. Her ilu, Wezen, could feel her sadness and loneliness, so he visited her often.

"Adhara." Her cousin came in. "You have to eat more." She nudged Adhara's shoulder with her elbow and Adhara stumbled. Tsireya noticed how her cousin was getting weak every passing day.

"You love him that much that you will not eat enough?" Tsireya asked. Curiously, but she was also worried. Adhara only hummed, smiling weakly. Suddenly, someone else burst into the cot.

Adhara's face softened. "Neteyam." She stood up rather quickly and swallowed the lump in her throat, Adhara followed Neteyam's gaze and quickly crossed her arms to cover her stomach.

Neteyam sighed and walked toward Adhara, giving her a tight hug and a kiss on her neck. "I will only mate with you," He paused. ",my woman." Neteyam grabbed her hands and kneeled, keeping eye contact with Adhara.

Adhara sniffed and his eyes shined with a certain emotion, love. If they mated, they could never separate and Ronal knew that. Adhara kneeled in front of him, she looked around and took notice of how Tsireya had left already.

She grinned and cupped Neteyam's face. "Will you mate with me, Adhara?" Neteyam finally asked, his face hot and flushed. Adhara looked down and up again, thinking about it. "We're too young, Neteyam, we can not mate." Adhara had already disappointed her aunt and uncle, but she could never disappoint them like that.

Neteyam sighed and looked to the side. He wasn't disappointed, he absolutely respected Adhara, but he couldn't help but feel rejected. "I am not going to apologize because it is not something I should apologize for." Adhara smirked, she was teasing him.

Neteyam scoffed and pushed her shoulder slightly, he grabbed a leaf full of food and she grabbed it almost immediately. Adhara gulped it all down in one swift motion, she was starving. She could finally feel hungry after days of feeling alone and empty, but she finally had her missing piece, Neteyam.

"I'll visit you often on Eclipse." He started getting up to go, Adhara smiled and held his hand for a split second before letting Neteyam go. Neteyam gave Adhara a last smile and rushed out of the Marui pod, he was trying to be as sneaky as one could be.

She smiled and continued eating, Adhara let out a sigh of relief the moment she felt her stomach full. Finally, she stood up and walked right out of her cot. She looked around, looking for shameful looks, but instead she was met with joy in peoples faces.

Adhara looked around her and noticed how every single person her eyes locked onto had a look of happiness and relief. This all made Adhara very stress-free, no one was judging her.

"Adhara!" She felt a light tug on her wrist, Adhara looked down and locked eyes with Tuktirey, or Tuk. "It has been so long, why haven't I seen you recently?" The little girl curiously questioned, her head tilting to the side curiously.

Adhara stood quietly for a second before answering, "I have been busy, but I'm free now." She grinned at Tuk, placing a hand on her shoulder to show comfort. Tuktirey nodded and dragged Adhara by her wrist.

"Everyone has missed you, they can't stop talking about you." Tuk said excitedly, she was very happy to be the good news bearer that Adhara was finally back. Adhara let out a light chuckled and let herself be dragged away by Tuk.

Finally, they were on the main island, where the group of teens stood. Tsireya stood next to Lo'ak, they were all over each other. Kiri was in the middle of Rotxo and Ao'nung, where she was giggling from Ao'nung's possible stupidity and Rotxo's amusment.

And lastly Neteyam, he stood alone. It seemed like everyone had a tiny group inside the big group and Neteyam had no one, that really bothered Adhara. She never wanted him to feel alone and unfit in the group.

Now, she felt guilty as fuck. Adhara managed to get away from Tuk's grip and held the little girls shoulders. "Let me talk to Neteyam first and then we do the grand reveal, okay?" Tuk nodded vigorously and giggled, Tuk skilled away toward Kiri while Adhara snuck up on Neteyam.

Adhara pushed Neteyam slightly, enough to scare the boy. "Shit!" Neteyam exclaimed, snapping his head at Adhara. His face softened and he gulped, taking in the view. "Did you braid your hair again?" Neteyam chuckled.

Adhara could only nervously smile while playing with her newly braided hair. "I was bored and I like braiding." Neteyam sighed and grabbed her by her waist, pulling her in for a tight hug. "Does your aunt know you're with me?" He noticed how Adhara's face turned from calm to annoyed.

"If she won't accept us, then I guess I'll go with you to the forest." Adhara shrugged her shoulders and laughed at Neteyam's horrified face. "You would despise the forest." He smirked.

"You would not even be able to climb a single tree." Neteyam tilted his head and teased the girl. "I will be useful some other way." She squinted her eyes and smiled cheekily. "Braiding kids hairs?" He added, assuming that's what she would be good for. "Maybe..."


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