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"Look for Neteyam, have him carry these to the main island." Adhara groaned at the thought of having to talk to him after trying her best to ignore the boy the whole week.

Of course, it was very hard for her, but she felt like it was the best she could do after being so confused this whole time. Being that confused is not good for her mental health, so Adhara avoided the main problem.

"Come on." Ronal told Adhara. She gave up and stood up right away, sluggishly dragging her feet along the net. The women waved at Adhara and they gave her a grin, comforting the girl. Adhara smiled back and looked away from them. She continued on her way to find Neteyam.

"Neteyam." She tapped the boys shoulder and jerked her head, signaling him to follow her. Neteyam smiled at Adhara, his ears pinned back, and his tail moving from side to side, but Adhara only ignored him, not wanting anything else other than to help her aunt.

"Hey—" Neteyam grabbed ahold of Adhara's shoulder and pushed her back, making her face Neteyam. He had a look of concern and pure confusion on his face. "Are you avoiding me, Adhara?" Adhara took a deep breath, not knowing how to handle this specific situation.

She felt awkward and very uneasy, her hands fiddled with each other and her eyes wandered around. Neteyam kept his piercing eyes fixated on Adhara, he wanted a response. Finally, Adhara sighed and opened her mouth to speak.

"Yes." She admitted, Adhara crossed her arms below her chest and lowered her gaze. "Why? What have I done to you? I really want to know." Neteyam's gaze softened and now he was even more concerned, what did he do to make her avoid him?

"Nothing, Neteyam. It was me, it was all me. I truly am sorry." Adhara took a deep breath and swallowed the lump in her throat. He scanned her face, analyzing her facial features. Neteyam had noticed how whenever she felt nervous, a particular dot on her face would glow.

"That time I gave you my air, my breath. Should I count it as a kiss, or not?" Nervously, she interlocked her hands and tightened the grip on her own hand. "No. Was that it?" His answer was short, but it got the point through. Now, Neteyam knew.

Adhara blinked and stood nervously, she hoped he would have said yes, but it was reality, that wasn't a kiss. "Did you want it to be?" Now, he was teasing her. Adhara was in no state to be joking. "Yes." Bold, but true.

Neteyam, surprised by her honesty and boldness, smiled and scoffed. "Of course." He cupped Adhara's cheeks and grinned widely. Adhara was not ready for what he was about to do, but oh, how she wanted it.

Neteyam kissed her, passionately. She stood still, she had not clue what to do, but she decided to go with the rhythm and moved her lips according to his. Adhara was excited for how this kiss would turn their whole relationship.

Her heart rate sky rocketed and she was more than happy. Adhara had never been this happy, last time was with Ewät. Ewät was now a thing of the past, the present was Neteyam. She liked Neteyam, and she always had, even when Adhara pushed him away.

Adhara loved Neteyam's presence with her, so she opened up her heart to him. But nothing good can never last, like always. She heard someone walking over.

"Adhara!" Her aunt Ronal yelled, witnessing their kiss. "Ronal—" "Save it!" Ronal gritted her teeth and snatched Adhara's arm, dragging her away from Neteyam. "You are not allowed to talk to Adhara from this point on." She pointed at Neteyam. Adhara tried to reason with the stubborn and strict woman, but she failed.

Adhara could never win against an angry and frustrated Ronal. Neteyam stayed quiet, not wanting to argue or be disrespectful toward the Tsahík. Adhara watched him as she was dragged away, giving him a sad look.

They had finally shared a moment and now it was over, probably never to happen again. It really upset Adhara, she had been pushing him away and when she finally accepted him, he was ripped away from her. They're not even allowed to look at each other, according to Ronal.

"I found her kissing one of the Sully boys." Ronald pushed her into the middle of the Marui pod and Adhara stood there, uneasy and uncomfortable. Tsireya looked at her cousin with worried eyes, she apologized through sign language, not because it was her fault, but because she felt sorry that Adhara was caught.

Adhara flashed a comforting smile at her sweet cousin and looked down at her feet. "Adhara, you are 15. You absolutely can not go around kissing boys. Especially not one of the Sully boys!" Adhara could tell just by Tonowari's eyes that he wasn't honest, he was happy she could find love, but Tonowari didn't want to let Ronal down and have him known as soft.

"I am sorry, it won't happen again—" Adhara apologized, bowing her head. "And it will never happen again." Ronal added to her apology. Her aunt was being harsh with Adhara, but Adhara understood why. She couldn't be with someone from a different clan, it would be so confusing and plus, they were mixed with demon blood.

Neteyam didn't have the features of demon blood, but he still had Sully in his blood stream. And Sully's all have demon blood, except Neytiri. Ronal fell in love with Neytiri, sisterly wise. They were now the bestest of friends, inseparable like sisters.

"Shame, Adhara, shame." Ronal finished after saying more things to her and walked out with Tonowari right behind her. Tsireya sprinted to Adhara and held her in a tight hug. "I'm so sorry, cousin." Tsireya apologized because she felt bad for the poor girl.

"It's fine, I won't ever let it happen with you and Lo'ak. Ever." Adhara held onto Tsireya's embrace and pat Tsireya's back. She truly loved her cousin, Adhara could never trade her for the world.


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