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"She is 16, almost old enough to mate—" Tonowari stopped to think for a second "—and she has proved herself worthy." Ronal sighed and pursed her lips, thinking hard. "I know." That was the only thing Ronal said the whole time they talked.

"I acknowledge that you want what's best for Adhara, I do, but she isn't our daughter, she's our niece. Adhara has her own way of thinking." Tonowari consoled his wife by rubbing a hand on her back.

"I just don't want what happened to her mother happen to her." Ronal sniffed, but not a single tear was shed. She could never stop fate, so she decided to let it all happen.


Adhara laid on her mattress, gazing the clear water under her. She ran her fingers and created small waves. "Niece." Adhara quickly sat up straight.

"Aunt." She welcomed her aunt and Ronal sighed, she was considering if it was the best idea to let Adhara go. "You can see Neteyam, I'm sorry, my sweet Adhara." This time, Ronal's eyes were filled with tears.

"Oh, aunt." Adhara soothed her aunt with some loving back strokes and hugged her tightly without letting go. "I did not want what happened to your mother to happen to you too. So, I tried to stop it before it ended up badly, but I realized I could never separate two kids in love." Ronal smiled at her niece, whom was already smiling back at her.

Adhara was not going to forgive her aunt that quickly, she needed time and Ronal understood that. Adhara waved her aunt a final goodbye as Ronal left the pod and, once again, Adhara was all alone, but this time with access to meet Neteyam. But first, she needed to see the whole group.

Walking up, she felt nervous. Did they miss her? Do they also feel ashamed for her? But all those thoughts washed away when they saw her and sprinted full speed, almost knocking her off of her feet.

They all grinned and hugged her, tightly, and not planning to let go. Neteyam stood to the side, a slight smile on his face and his arm crossed, enjoying the joyful moment.

"I am so happy Ronal finally allowed you to see us, we missed you so much!" Kiri exclaimed, jumping up and down from excitement. Obviously, the boys didn't hug and jump and celebrate like the girls did, they just smiled and felt the moment from the side.

"It felt like forever." Tsireya mentioned. "It really did." Ao'nung, finally, spoke. Adhara could only grin and nod, not a single word could describe how she felt. The guys wanted to go hunt, so they all plunged into the water and called their ilu's.

Adhara clicked and rolled her tongue in attempt to call for her ilu, Wezen swam happily around her, circling around her a couple of times in joyfulness. "Wezen." Adhara muttered while grazing a hand along Wezen's face.

The ilu leaned into her touch and closed his eyes. That single tiny interaction made Adhara smile even more than before. She slid Wezen's saddle on him and mounted the ilu, Adhara positioned her legs on Wezen's side and followed the others.

"To where?" Rotxo asked. "To the reef." Answered Ao'nung, only experienced hunters could go, but since it was a big group then it wouldn't be a problem. Adhara reached Neteyam and swam beside the boy. "Hey." She grinned, remembering how he made her feel.

Neteyam turned his ilu's head, aiming to swim closer to Adhara. They swam together, following behind the others. Suddenly, Neteyam stopped, causing Adhara to curiously swim back for him.

"What happened?" Adhara questioned worriedly. "Let's talk." "About what, Neteyam? Is everything ok?" She was getting even more worried thinking he was going to say something bad. "About us." Neteyam's cheeks flushed and he lowered his gaze.

Adhara chuckled in relief and placed a hand over Neteyam's hand. She got off of Wezen and on Neteyam's ilu, sitting behind Neteyam. He raised one leg and turned around, now facing Adhara.

"I love you." He finally confessed, it was obvious since they had shared meaningful moments in the past. "I love you too." She smiled, her cheeks rosy pink and her stomach filled with butterflies.

"Will you grow old with me, Adhara?" Finally he asked, Adhara had waited for this moment since the day she realized her feelings for the boy from another clan. "Yes." Adhara clasped her hands on his face and kissed Neteyam passionately.

Neteyam quickly returned the kiss and placed his hands on Adhara's thighs for support. They slowly pulled out of the kiss and regained their breaths. "My woman." Neteyam smiled along with Adhara. The newly confessed couple separated and Adhara got back on Wezen.

"Where were you two?" Questioned everyone. Neteyam and Adhara could only giggle and both of them avoided the question by shrugging it off. No one questioned any further and they continued on what they were doing.

Meanwhile, Adhara and Neteyam locked eyes every passing second and they could not seem to keep their hands away from each other's bodies.

They were deeply in love with each other and they would 4ever  be together.




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