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Finally, everyone was there. Of course Lo'ak with a broken ego and Ao'nung very moody. "Leave the past behind, this is your own fault." Tsireya reminded the boys, it was indeed their own fault. No one told Ao'nung to make fun of their sister. They truly do love their family, Adhara would do that to limited people.

Everyone plunged into the water gracefully, while the forest monkeys cannonballed in. "Of course they don't know how to fucking dive." Cursed Ao'nung, "Silence, Ao'nung." Tsireya scolded, it seemed like Tsireya would only scold Ao'nung. Anyone would.

They then swam under and explored everything, it was not long until they broke surface again. 'What's wrong with them?' Rotxo signed, not the only one confused. 'Come on.' Adhara signed to Tsireya, the others followed as well.

"You're too fast, wait for us!" Tuk was already tired and out of breath. "You are not good divers, maybe good at swinging through trees but—" Tsireya noticed how Ao'nung was still trying to tease them and smacked the back of his head. He stared at Tsireya in betrayal and utter disbelief.

"If you want to live here, you have to ride." Ao'nung informed them of the ilu's. Tsireya looked at Adhara for a second, noticing she has said nothing in a long while. Her cousin ignored the feeling and led everyone to the shore. "Ao'nung." Tsireya signaled to the ilu's. He looked at Tsireya, and nodded. He knew what to do.

He called for the ilu's and in a short moment, there were around four ilu's circling them. Tsireya looked around for a moment and thought before speaking. "Choose who you want to teach you to ride an ilu. Be wise about it." Ao'nung and Adhara immediately backed up a few steps, they were trying to avoid being called at.

"Adhara." Neteyam slurred out her name in a teasing manner, she groaned and waited for him to get to her. "Alright, grab a hold of this." She showed him a saddle, teaching him how to put it on the ilu who seemed to have an interest toward the boy. "Kiri, where is Kiri?" Rotxo asked concerned.

"I'll go look." Tsireya said, she was also concerned. It took her two minutes to get back and told them she's alright. "Neteyam, you're doing it so wrong. Stop loosening your grip on the saddle, you will get thrown off." Adhara snarled at him, she was starting to get desperate.

Neteyam laughed and positioned himself. He bonded with the ilu and off he went. She sunk her head in the water to look at him and he was already off the ilu. Adhara laughed uncontrollably at the sight and called the ilu back. Neteyam swam back with a pout on his face and crossed his arms like a baby.

"Geez babe, calm down. It's not that serious." Neteyam tried to calm Adhara down as he felt embarrassed. It worked, she froze. She suddenly felt smaller than ever, Neteyam perked his ears and teased her. "Weak." Neteyam grabbed his ilu and tried again. Adhara was shocked at what he had called her, it made her feel a tingly sensation in her stomach.

"Idiot." She muttered while she saw him get thrown off again. She grabbed a loose twig and shaped it around Neteyam's head, Adhara tied it just above his eyes and tied up two small dull stones on top of his eyes, not blinding him. "Just like the one you use to break the wind." She informed him and explained.

Neteyam grinned and gave it another try, this time not flying off. He then decided to go tease Lo'ak about it and swam in circles around Lo'ak, Lo'ak grabbed a handful of sand and threw it at his older brother. Neteyam managed to dodge it and went back toward Adhara. "Good job." Adhara smiled at him.

"Let's go meet with the others." Neteyam said, Adhara agreed and they went back to the shore. "We will practice our breathing now." Tsireya was awesome at teaching this stuff, not Adhara. Adhara was made for fighting and healing, not for teaching. She hated teaching, with her whole might.

This time, Kiri joined us. She seemed happier than before and Adhara was glad she was finally comfortable here. We all mimicked Tsireya's actions. Breathing through our stomachs and calming down our heart, but someone was not getting the rhythm of literally breathing.

"Here Lo'ak, breath through here." Tsireya put one hand on Lo'ak's heart and one on his stomach. She put tiny pressure on Lo'ak's stomach and gently felt his heartbeat. "Your heart is beating too fast. Breathe." Lo'ak nodded, clearly flustered. Neteyam looked at Rotxo and smirked, Adhara gave Tsireya a worried look.

This was going in a way she did not like at all. Tsireya's parents would not enjoy even the thought of this, he was from the forest and she was from the reef. In addition, they have demon blood.

Adhara initiated eye contact with Ao'nung and bit her lower lip, 'Do something.' she signed to her cousin. He just looked away and stood up. "How about Rotxo and I teach Lo'ak how to hunt? That way I might consider forgiving him." Ao'nung had a weird smile on his face, he always had the same ugly expression when he was plotting something no one would agree to.

Lo'ak chimed in before anyone said anything. "That'd be awesome!" Tsireya smiled at them, thinking they're getting along. Unfortunately, Adhara thought nothing of it. She just watched them leave and decided to turn away and go home. Neteyam grabbed her wrist and spun her, "Where are you going?" "Eywa, are you that obsessed with me? You don't want me to go?" Neteyam took a deep breath before raising his brows, he shook his head and forced her to sit down next to him.

"I would die without you." Sarcasm was so obvious in his tone, it made her laugh. She slapped his side and looked at his face features profoundly. Neteyam hummed in confusion and his ears perked up.

"How'd you get the white shiny dots on your face, how come you guys have them everywhere but we only have them on our body." Adhara asked curiously, she found the sparkly dots very interesting and beautiful. Neteyam kept a poker face before answering, "They appear everywhere that girls have kissed." Adhara looked at him with disgust until he broke into a laughing fit. She scoffed and pushed his face down by his neck.

"Can never be serious around you." Adhara laughed and positioned herself a bit more comfortably on the warm sand. "I just don't take you seriously, who could? When you're so small." Neteyam smiled cheekily, earning him a hard slap on the back.


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