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Adhara woke up to the sun beaming right into her eyes. She groaned and sat up while rubbing her eyes. She reached beside her net and grabbed a handful of water and splashed her face with it, waking her up instantly. She shuddered from the cold water and giggled.

"Good morning, lovergirl." Adhara said, Tsireya scoffed and smiled in disbelief. "Just because I get along with a boy doesn't mean we're in love." Tsireya defended herself with al her might. Adhara laughed and stood up. She called for her ilu and dived into the clear water, she met with her ilu and made the bond.

She did a quick lap around her island, making sure everything and everyone was in place and in order. Adhara then grabbed a cooked fish and broke the bond, now making her way to Tsireya. Her cousin sat with only Tuk, the others no where in sight. "Where is everyone else?" Adhara asked, Tsireya shrugged and continued eating.

She quickly ate her fish and went to go find everyone. She was headed to the beach, where she heard commotion. "It's called a punch, bitch!" She heard Lo'ak yell and immediately rushed over to where they were.

Her cousin was laying on the floor, his nose bloody, and Neteyam and Kiri watching everything unfold. Ao'nung's friends now going after Lo'ak. Adhara groaned and tilted her head, she did not want to help him. "Ow, my tail!" "Ow, my ear!" Adhara chuckled and rushed toward them, Neteyam now joining the fight.

Adhara swung her arm over Kiri and giggled at the sight with her, "It's so stupid." Kiri commented while laughing. Adhara nodded and wiped a tear of laughter. "Alright, get up." Adhara demanded, she did not like fights but it wasn't that serious until Neteyam got involved.

"I said get the fuck up!" Adhara grabbed a hold of Rotxo's tail and pulled him out, Rotxo yelping at the sudden pain. Then she grabbed Lo'ak's arm and threw him harshly to the ground. Neteyam immediately walked back and avoided Adhara. She then went for Ao'nung but only stared at him until he scoffed and lowered his gaze.

"You will tell your father and you will not lie. Kiri will be my witness. And you Lo'ak, your father will be disappointed." Adhara turned her heel and walked away, Kiri followed close behind but then stopped following as she found something more interesting.

"Adhara!" Neteyam yelled out for her. She stopped and looked back at him, she knew exactly what he was going to ask. "We will teach you after you guys confess." Neteyam blinked a few times and sighed, "Let me be your friend, don't push me away Adhara." Adhara looked at him for a few seconds and massaged Neteyam's shoulder in a comforting manner.

She looked as if she was in a trance, she was considering his pleads. "You'd fall in love." Adhara joked, Neteyam scoffed and bit the inside of his cheek. "Cocky, are we now?" Neteyam smacked her hand away from his shoulder and grinned. "Shut up and go with Lo'ak." Neteyam had completely forgotten about the fight, his eyes widened
and he sprinted off to catch up with Lo'ak.

Adhara covered her smile and waited on a rock where Tsireya, Ao'nung, the sully's, and everyone else would meet for their teachings. They'd need a lot of sessions. Only looking at how they jumped in the water, they knew it would be a hell long of a month.


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