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Adhara stood next to Neteyam, she had found him sat down on a rock in the beach corner where no one could see them. She sat down next to him, keeping her distance of course. They just sat there in silence, it was a comfortable silence. Neteyam needed the extra company and so did Adhara.

She looked down at her lap when she felt a warmth on her thigh, it was his hand. Neteyam was trying to comfort her, but it resulted in Adhara's stomach turning. She liked his warmth on her, it made her nervous but it felt good. She realized what she was thinking about and swatted his hand away from her.

Adhara quickly felt cold as his warmth instantly left. Neteyam yelped and he held his hand, looking at the girl accusingly. She scoffed and looked away, "What is wrong?" Neteyam spoke first, Adhara sighed and looked down. "I feel as if something bad is going to happen. I feel very uneasy." She looked at him with glistening eyes, Neteyam's eyes softened as he looked at the poor girl.

"Adhara, nothing bad is going to happen ever. My girl, I am a warrior, I will protect you." Neteyam tilted his head as he talked, he puffed his chest up and narrowed his gaze to make himself look bigger and stronger. Adhara scoffed and smiled cheekily, smacking his chest. "My girl?" Teased Adhara, she recalled what he had called her.

Neteyam only blinked and looked away, trying to ignore the teasing looks from her. Suddenly, their ears twitched as they heard commotion. Neteyam was quick to stand up and help Adhara up too, they ran to the main land spot looking for where the commotion was being held.

They arrived and they saw a crowd surrounding Tonowari and Ronal, they stood high on a net. "My spirit sister and her baby have been murdered by the Sky People." Ronal announced and looking straight at Jakesully, Tonowari snarled and showed his teeth at the surrounding people.

"This war has come to us. We knew about this hunting about our Tulkun people. It was over the horizon, far away. Now, it is here!" Announced Olo'eyktan, the people cheered and yelled in violence and excitement. Jakesully parted from his family and started complaining.

"You've gotta understand how the Sky People think, they don't care about the great balance." Everyone looked at Jakesully for a split second before continuing to chant. "Listen to him." Neteyam now intervened. "The Sky People are not going to stop, this is only the beginning. You have got to tell your Tulkun to leave!" Jakesully tried to talk above The People but it was almost useless. "You have to tell them to go far away!" He now pointed out to the sea and paced around.

He was trying to tell everyone. "Leave?—." Ronal interrogated, she slapped her chest lightly as to show aggression. "You live among us and you learn nothing!" She continued. "We will fight to protect our brothers and sister." Demanded a Metkayina warrior, a round of chants followed. "No no no no—. If you attack, if you fight they will destroy you." Jakesully gestured to them and swallowed a lump on his throat, he was getting very agitated.

"They will destroy everything that you love." He added, the warriors defended Ronal as he got way too close to comfort to her. The Tsahík placed a hand over her pregnant stomach to protect her baby and snarled at the Omaticaya. Jakesully was still trying to share his opinion around and warning The People but not a single living being listened.

Jakesully grabbed a weird and foreign object from Neteyam's hand and got up on the net, displaying the device. Everyone remained silent as they watched the device get shown on display. "You tell the Tulkun that if they get hit by one of these, they are marked for dead." He warned and finally his words were heard. Jakesully showed it to the chief and breathed heavily in frustration.

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