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Adhara called for her ilu while the others rode off to safety, she held on tight to Wezen and applied pressure on her stomach. She cursed under her breath when she was starting to slow down, but she managed to push through and reunite with the Sully family. Adhara stood to the side when she saw how the family was interlocked in a family hug, she didn't want to be a bother so she didn't make a sound.

She was starting to bleed out, her blood was all over her hands and her stomach. Adhara's pain was draining her energy, she had high pain tolerance but the pain was just too much for her. She was starting to gasp for air, she looked down at her wound and sighed.

"Adhara!—" She heard a familiar and comforting voice, her eyes started to tear up because she felt like she was finally safe even if she was in miserable pain. "Ao'nung." Adhara mumbled, her older cousin examined her face. He caught notice of pain written all over her features.

Adhara finally fell to her knees, causing the Sully family to turn their heads toward the suffering girl. She let out a painfully raspy yell, she cried while planting her hands on the rock island.

The Metkayina girl found her strength to mention what had happened, "I am injured." She grunted, she felt like she had robbed the Sully's from their happiness and relief. She didn't want them to worry for her, but she fell the moment Ao'nung called for her. "Adhara. No, no, no." Ao'nung cried out for his cousin, who was still kneeling in pain.

"Fucking help her!" He ordered the family who only stood there, not moving an inch. They quickly rushed toward them and they laid her down on the floor. "Mother, father!" Ao'nung called out for his parents when he saw them heading their way.

Ronal stepped off first, Tonowari followed her. They couldn't recognize the person laying on the floor but as they got closer, Ronal let out a gasp and ran up to the center of the group where there in the middle laid her niece. Adhara was the only thing Ronal had that really resembled Rigel, she could not lose her sister's daughter too.

"Aunt." Adhara sobbed, she wanted to say something. Ronal nodded while holding her hand letting her tears fall. "I want my mom." She cried, Adhara had finally expressed what she truly wanted all of her life. "I know, I know." Tonowari held her head and used his lap as her pillow to keep her head safe.

Ronal motioned something to a Metkayina warrior, the warrior grabbed the girl and placed her on a Skimwing. The others also got on, but Jakesully said something before going the opposite way. "I have to fight, he is still out there and alive. He has our girls." "I will go with you." Neytiri grabbed her bow which earned her offer to be declined.

And off he went, former Toruk Makto was off to fight the Sky people once again. Neytiri silently grabbed her Ikran and flew away quickly. Lo'ak and Spider went with them while Neteyam followed Adhara, he was worried and he was in deep thought.

Adhara had saved Neteyam from being injured by being the one getting injured. He felt quilty for her situation, but he also felt a tingly sensation. It made him feel things for her, Neteyam was confused by his feelings. He had never felt that way ever in his life.

They eventually arrived back at the island and they headed straight for their Marui pod, where they had all the supplies for healing. Neteyam unrolled a mattress and laid it down on the middle, Tonowari placed his niece on the mattress and backed away to let his wife treat her.

Breathing was getting more difficult for Adhara and her pulse was getting slower, so they had to work fast. Ronal started healing her while Tsireya helped her mother with the instruments. Adhara slowly calmed down after drinking an organic tea that made her nerves calm and made her feel tired.

"Sleep." Ronal brushed her fingers around the gun shot wound and Adhara almost immediately fell on a big heavy rest. Adhara was now breathing steady and her pulse was back to normal. "She will rest for quite a few days, she will be ok." Ronal informed, everyone in the pod sighed in relief and Tonowari gave Ronal a big hug.

Tsireya sat next to her cousin and massaged Adhara's arm, she was worried for her. By now, Neteyam and Tsireya were the only ones with Adhara in the pod. "You like her." Tsireya started talking, she knew. Neteyam cleared his throat and shifted awkwardly.

"Whatever." He said, he was nervous. Did he really make things that obvious? Eywa, so embarrassing. Tsireya giggled at his body language, his answer was loud and clear in Tsireyas eyes. She saw how he looked at Adhara when Adhara was not paying him attention, Neteyam looked at Adhara as if he had seen something miraculous. He fell so fucking hard for Tsireya's cousin.

Tsireya couldn't tease him because she felt the same with Lo'ak, but those two were way more obvious than Adhara and Neteyam ever were. Tsireya stood up once again and stood in the corner of the exit, "She'll need a lot of time to rest." Tsireya mentioned to the boy who was deeply in love with the girl who was injured and laying down.


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