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Everyone swam quickly toward their spirit sister or spirit brother. Every Tulkun is very special, they are family of Na'vi. "Sa'at!" Yelled Adhara, she dragged her hand all along the Tulkun's body and smiled cheekily. She was extremely happy at the arrival of her spirit sister, Sa'at.

'Hello, sister.' Adhara signed to her spirit sister, 'Hi sister, found a guy yet?' The Tulkun teased, Adhara scoffed and slapped the Tulkun's front fin. 'No boy has caught my eye, no.' Adhara raised her brows for a split second and closed her eyes in comfort as she layed on the Tulkun's fin.

Adhara slid off of Sa'at's fin and swam toward her spirit sister's eye sight. Sa'at's eye looked elsewhere as Adhara got curious and looked behind, she saw Neteyam swimming towards them. Adhara turned her head around once more and rolled her eyes at the boy.

'That is Neteyam, Jakesully's oldest son.' Neteyam circled me closely once and smirked as he brushed his fingers along Adhara's waist, and smacked his hand away from her and pushed the boy under the water. He broke away from her hold and swam back up, upset. "What the bell, Adhara?" Neteyam complained.

Adhara chuckled slightly and sluggishly pulled him closer to the Tulkun. "This is Sa'at, my spirit sister." Neteyam smiled and signed a little hello at her. Sa'at wailed happily as she looked at me once more and squinched her eyes in a teasing manner.

Adhara rolled her eyes and shook her head in disapproval, 'No way.' She smacked the Tulkun's fin lightly, 'Let's have some fun.' Her spirit sister wailed, straighten out her fin as a sign for the both to hold on. Adhara looked at the boy and motioned him to come, they both held on to the fin and Adhara looked at Neteyam.

'Hold on tight.' She told the boy who was anxiously waiting for the Tulkun to swim like a bullet. Sa'at started out slowly, but as she saw how both of them were just chilling there calmly, she went a lot faster. This did not go unnoticed by them, they held on for their dear lives.

Adhara looked at Neteyam and she saw how much he was struggling to hang on so she grabbed him by his waist and pulled him under her. He was now secured under her grip, in a questionable position, for Neteyam it was weird as he was under her. Adhara was grabbing him by his waist and he was pressed up on her body, her head rested on Neteyam's left shoulder.

Sa'at came to a halt and both of them went up to the surface to get air. Adhara was still grabbing onto Neteyam, but not as close. Her hand was resting on the side of his waist and he was now facing her. They held eye contact as they were calmly breathing. Adhara's hand was now slightly putting pressure on Neteyam's hand, she wanted something but neither knew what she wanted.

"What is it, Adhara?" Neteyam asked, curiously. For the first time ever, she actually felt a tingly sensation in her stomach. Her cousin, Tsireya, told Adhara about the so-called 'butterflies' in her stomach. Subconsciously, she started leaning on him. Adhara sniffed and gently wrapped her arms around him, she was hugging him.

She was holding on to him as if he was going to leave, something had possessed her. He wrapped his arms around her in an instant, Neteyam loved hugs. They made him feel safe and comfortable. She pressed her body on to him, she was the most vulnerable she's ever been in her entire life.

Adhara felt safe with Neteyam, but she would never admit that. Adhara pushed him and layed her hands on the boy's shoulders. She swallowed the lump on her throat and signed a goodbye to her spirit sister. Adhara gave one last look to Neteyam, mounted her ilu and went off.

She heard Neteyam call for her but she ignored him, Adhara felt embarrassed by her vulnerability. She finally reached her Marui pod and mounted off of her ilu. She smiled at her ilu and bounced on the net, sitting on one of the mattresses.

"Why are you not with your spirit sister?" Adhara had now noticed Ao'nung was in the Marui pod with her. "Nothing, my cousin. Do not worry." She reassured her cousin, she disliked Ao'nung but she still loved him. He is her family and she respected him sometimes.

"I will listen to you. The others and I will go to the Three Brothers, are you coming?" Ao'nung faced Adhara now, she shook her head and laid down on her back. "No, I am tired." Ao'nung hummed in approval and she heard the water splashing, which meant Ao'nung had left.

She tried to sleep but couldn't so Adhara stood up quickly and headed to her Aunt's Marui pod to check up on them. "Hello, aunt Ronal?" She peeked her head in the cot but she saw not a single soul. Adhara furrowed her brows in confusion but was quickly surprised by them walking up with angry faces and the young ones following them.

They walked right past Adhara, she gave them looks. "You allowed this, you allowed him to bond with the outcast!" Ronal looked at her daughter with rage and pointed out to the ocean, she was pacing around and breathing heavily. Adhara put a hand on her shoulder and gave her aunt a concerning look, she saw how stressed her aunt was so she placed a hand over her pregnant belly.

Ronal caught the memo and worked on her breathing, she knew how much stress could affect her baby. "Tsireya..." Her cousin quickly looked up at her father, she was terrified.
"... you disappoint me, daughter." Tonowari looked at his daughter with utter disappointment. Tsireya looked back at her father with a sad expression.

"And you, son of a great warrior. Who has been taught better—." "Payakan saved my life, sir. You don't know him." Lo'ak shook his head, Adhara cursed inside her head. How can someone be so reckless. "No, Lo'ak." Tsireya warned him, she knew how disrespectful Lo'ak was being.

Tonowari gestured Lo'ak to sit, "Sit, sit." They both slowly crouched down, Tonowari now looked at the others for a split second. "Sit down!" Olo'eyktan yelled, he had a tone for demanding and it was perfect. Adhara almost sat down but she stayed beside her aunt, who needed the slight comfort.

Everyone flinched and the group crouched down in an instant, especially Tsireya. Tonowari blew into his hands and pulled his hands away, he gestured at Lo'ak and looked at him. "Hear my words, boy." Tonowari started, it was a sad sight to see the kids with faces filled with regret.

"In the days of the first songs, Tulkun fought amongst themselves, for territory and for revenge. But they came to believe, that no matter how justified only brings more killing. So killing was forbidden, this is the Tulkun way. Payakan is a killer, so he is outcast." Tonowari explained how Payakan became outcast but Lo'ak just did not accept the information.

"I'm sorry, sir. But you're wrong." "Lo'ak! You speak to Olo'eyktan." His mother threatened, Neytiri was a serious woman. She was fierce and brave, lose your sight on her and you are, for sure, dead. "I know, I—." "That's enough!" Now yelled his father, Jakesully. The mighty warrior and Toruk Makto.

Tsireya shook her head in disapproval and looked at Lo'ak in concern. Adhara could see Lo'ak thinking, but was not happy. "I know what I know." Lo'ak finished. The out of place comment made Ronal snarl at the reckless and disrespectful boy. Everyone disapproved of his behavior.

"That's enough." Jakesully whispered to his youngest son, he grabbed Lo'ak by his arm and dragged him out and away. Everyone sat in silence, "You are all dismissed." Tonowari finally said. Adhara stayed with her aunt and uncle, they shuffled around in distress.

"Ronal, remember to relax. Too much stress is harmful for the baby." Adhara informed her aunt softly, she pat Ronal's shoulder. Ronal sighed and smiled at her niece, she softly pat Adhara's head and walked away.


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