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"Oh......maybe a scythe isn't the fastest way......" Sayaka mumbled.

Mary was too shocked to speak. Not only did time stop for everyone else except for them and those men, but Sayaka's scythe morphed into a whip.

"Mary, do you need a weapon?" Sayaka said.


"Sorry, can't grant that. You take left. I take right. Bye!"

Sayaka sped off, eliminating half of all the men with one strike of her weapon.

Mary cursed. "Good god, glory to the Heavens......."

She grabbed her guns and proceeded to shoot down the men, as well as avoiding their deadly bullets.

Mary shuddered as she saw Sayaka slicing some men with her whip-turned scythe. Blood splattered everywhere, including the Secretary's face, who seemed to be enjoying this whole ordeal.

"No wonder she's acquainted with Kirari," Mary sighed as she shot yet another man in the head.

She was interrupted when the sound of three slicing sounds filled the air. The heads of the men in front of Mary fell to the ground with a "thud".

Mary screamed and backed away.

"Sayaka! Can you please give a warning before you do that?!"

"B-But that wasn't me, Mary-san!" Sayaka protested. "I aim for their chests! Not their necks!"

Sayaka paused. "Oh god, don't tell me......"

The men that had bumped into them earlier appeared beside Sayaka. He took off his sunglasses and wig.

Dark violet hair and eyes. And a mischievous smirk.

"Fourth brother?!" Sayaka exclaimed.

"Fourth brother?!" Mary gawked.

"Igarashi Katsuo, fifth-born child and fourth son of Sir Keito and Lady Seina," the man said.

"W-W-What are you doing here?!" Sayaka stuttered.

"Your fiancé is incredibly protective. I figured you would've known that by now. And since I had nothing to do, I volunteered," Katsuo replied with a wink.

Another person walked towards them. "The other one is also quite paranoid. I believe her name was Ririka." The person threw back his hood.

"I...don't know this one," Sayaka said, frowning.

The person blinked. "I'm the one that gutted those five over there. You have excellent skills by the way."

Sayaka blushed. "Thank you."

"That's Tatsuo," Katsuo said. "Our names rhyme, don't they? He's one of the youngest Yakuza gang members."

Tatsuo ruffled his chocolate-brown hair, seemingly embarrassed. "To be honest, I've a crush on your sister." His blue eyes sparkled. "She's hot."

"My older sister is not dating you," Katsuo groaned. "She has Mikura."

"Isn't Sachiko with......she's your sister isn't she?" Mary sighed. "I'm about to faint."

"I'll catch you!" Tatsuo offered. It seemed that he was desperate to have a girlfriend.

"Not you!" Mary growled at him. "Anyway, what are we going to do with all these bodies?!"

"The Yakuza will take care of them. In the meantime, the two of you have already been here for two hours. It's time to go home. We need to figure out who is behind all this," Katsuo informed them seriously.

Sayaka pouted.

"I'll bring you here again soon," Katsuo suggested. "Now let's leave before that creepy fiancé of yours kills me for being late." He turned to Mary. "Your girlfriend too. She can be quite scary when she wants to be."

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