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Sayaka started to cry and covered her face with her hands in distress.

Kirari eyes widened. "Well this is certainly not what I was expec----"

They watched in shock as Sayaka started to shrink and shrink......

......until she became a toddler.

Her clothes had shrunk with her, so that was a relief.

On a more serious note......

......"S-Sayaka?!" Ririka exclaimed frantically. "O-Oh my god! What do we do?!"

Kirari didn't seem to be listening. She picked Sayaka up and into her arms gingerly. Admiring the toddler's face.

A light blush spread on Kirari's face.

"Oh my..." she mumbled. "So...cute......"

Sayaka let out a happy laugh as she reached out her adorable hands towards Kirari. Kirari took this as her cue to hug her wife-turned-toddler, patting Sayaka's back affectionately.

"She's not listening, is she?" Mary said.

Ririka sighed. "I'm afraid not. Guess I'll have to call one of Sayaka's cousins."

Mary raised a brow. "Oh? Who?"

"Hirabayashi Vani," Ririka replied.


"Well this is certainly...astonishing," Vani said. The woman had midnight-black hair and shimmering golden eyes.

Mary later found out that her mother was Indian, hence her rare eye and hair colour combination. her name meant eloquent in words or sound.

Vani lifted Sayaka higher, watching as the toddler immediately closed her eyes, obviously scared of heights. "Hm, it seems like she's still scared of heights after I pushed her off suddenly when we went bungee jumping."

"Oh my," Ririka said. "Well, at least you knew she was safe."

"Um...about that...she...the harness wasn't attached. Luckily Ringo saved her in time," Vani replied sheepishly.


"Ahem, moving on, what are we going to do about this?" Kirari asked as she gestured to the squirming toddler in Vani's arms.

"Well, you'll have to wait a while while I concoct a potion to solve this," Vani said. "In the meantime, practise your parenting skills for future uses, I guess."

"And how long will that take?" Kirari queried.


A wail sounded from Sayaka, so powerful and loud that the windows shattered and the estate shook uncontrollably.

Kirari hurriedly took the toddler into her arms, cradling her gently until she calmed down.

Ririka and Mary stared at Sayaka in shock.

Vani sighed. "As I was saying, you're gonna' have to practise dealing with 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 for the meantime."


"So, Vani instructed us to help her find the following ingredients," Mary said as she squinted at the never-ending list. "Electrified Bearberry, Angel Lock, Harpy Feather, Serpent Cabbage, Shimmer Azolla, Heart Bamboo, Candy Bane---" Mary paused as she heard a squeak from her partner.

"Those aren't literal, right?" Ririka said nervously. "I don't think these things exist. And what do we put them in? Soup?"

"Good question," Mary continued. "In the 2083th line, it states what liquids to get. Stewed Golden Affenpinscher, Thyme Torrent,Summer Light, Vanilla Wine, Sticky Sherry, Whiskey Major, Cider Blossom, Fantasy Monsoon, Palm Ale, Sake Bull, Green Slapper----"

"G-G-Green 𝒮𝓁𝒶𝓅𝓅𝑒𝓇?!" Ririka gasped, on the verge of fainting. "𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚍𝚘 𝚠𝚎 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜?!"

Mary cleared her throat. "I'm getting there. It says on the 8774th line that we have to travel to the Amazon Rainforest to----"

A "thud!" was heard as Ririka fainted and collapsed onto the floor.


Kirari observed with a certain fondness as Sayaka toddled to their bed and proceeded to climb onto it.

Big mistake.

The toddler slipped and fell backwards, her eyes widening and her head about to hit the floor.

Luckily, Kirari caught her in time.

"Hm, I told you to be more careful," Kirari murmured as she placed Sayaka on the bed. "You nearly got electrocuted just now."

Sayaka responded with a displeased whine and pointed to her soft toys which lay on the couch.

"Stay here," Kirari instructed gently as she pressed a kiss to the side of Sayaka's head. "I'll get them for you."

The moment Kirari let go of Sayaka, however......

......Mary screamed as the windows around her in the living room shattered suddenly.


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