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"Sayaka! You're back!" Mary exclaimed as she moved forward to hug her friend.

"Mary," Sayaka smiled. "I'm glad to see that you're alright too."

"Tch, of course I am," Mary replied as she stepped back so that Ririka could give Sayaka a hug. Ririka glanced sheepishly at Kirari's jealous expression before frenziedly hugging Sayaka and stepping away.

"So the bullets were laced with Anesine too?" Mary said. "The mastermind must know you well enough to even know your allergies."

Sayaka smiled nervously as she took Kirari's hand in hers. Her fiancée's expression had darkened drastically at the mention of the mastermind behind all this.

"Well, yes, I suppose," Sayaka said. "If I were to be honest, I already know who it is."

Kirari's head shot up sharply. "Do you now."

Sayaka nodded. "Kokoro Aiura. We used to be quite close." she turned to Kirari and cupped her face in her hand. "I know you've tried to hide it so I won't be worried but I found out after Ringo went snooping around the estate."

Kirari responded by kissing Sayaka's palm, making her blush furiously.

Mary groaned. "Please keep your PDA to yourself."

Kirari hummed and rested her head on Sayaka's shoulder comfortably.

"Ahem, moving on," Sachiko said. "We should really find out where she is."

Everyone stared at her.

"Since when did you come?" Mary said.

Sachiko petted Sayaka's head. "Humph, why can't I come? Sayaka is my baby sister."

"AND MY BABY DAUGHTER!" Lady Seina cried as she burst into the room. "MY BABY!"

Sayaka turned beet red. "Ah—O-Okaasan!"

She was smothered by hugs and kisses from her mother as well as presents.

"This is from your cousin, and your second cousin, and your third cousin who lives in New Zealand. This is from the one who married the British guy who looks suspiciously like an American and this is from the one who married an American who looks suspiciously like a British guy!" Lady Seina said before she proceeded to rattle off all the people who gifted Sayaka with these presents.

"You have so many cousins?" Mary asked in disbelief. "Some of them already have......" she squinted and listened closely to Lady Seina before gasping. "You have a cousin who went viral for wearing a pineapple skirt?!"

Sayaka blushed. "Um, it's a long story......"

Kirari chuckled and kissed her cheek before proceeding to argue with Mary over irrational things as usual.

For now, everyone was just happy to be together again.

(Kirasaya) (Meariri) New FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now