🧱Safe place🧱 ( Halt X Eyes )

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Eyes1from1doors , here!!

Story type: Character X Character, sorta fluff

Eyes quietly roamed through the hotel, trying to flee everybody's looks. They didn't want anyone to stare at them, if the human stares at them the human dies, but the other entities stay alive.

It was quite annoying, knowing that there are going to be some bullshits like Screech and Jack, perhaps even Rush.

Eyes couldn't even try to hide, because they have a huge blue glow. They sighed as they were looking around for a place to hide. Suddenly, the lights started flickering for almost ten seconds.

Was that Halt? Eyes decided to accept the invite, just to flee from Screech and Jack. Eyes entered the next door, as the reality glitched for them.

They found themselves in a dark hall, where only some fading cyan light would shine the way. But now, as they appeared, their bright purplish blue glow started to spread in the room, making Halt back away at first.

But then, he moved closer again, flying to the many-eyed entity. His glowing eyes looked at them with worry as he closed them.

-You...Okay? — Halt unsurely asked as he tried to not look at Eyes.

-Yes, indeed... — Eyes answered, they sounded like multiple voices in unison. — We appreciate your kindness, Halt...

-It's...nice. — Halt whispered.

They both went silent. Oh yes, two introverts who have troubles with communicating. They barely talk to anyone, though Halt's situation's slightly worse.

He's just stuck inside this hall, unused to be anywhere else. Yes, he can get out of this hall, but it's not like he ever will. He doesn't want to, he's afraid.

While Eyes... They want to be alone. Or at least with someone who they trust. Someone, who's stare would be scaring for them. Someone, who won't judge. Eyes are deeply afraid of being judged, Eyes are uncomfortable with others watching them.

-Open your eyes. - Eyes suddenly spoke. - You can stare.

-Huh? - Halt opened his eyes, looking at the glowing entity. - Are you...sure?

-Yes. You're not the type, who judges, so it's okay. - Eyes replied, their eyes deformed into a smiling emotion. - And your stare's not scary.

-Thank you. - Halt smiled, as slight red tint appeared on his cheeks. - Sweet words.

Eyes looked around, their glaze was dropping from one thing to another. They could be not the one, who likes too much people or activity, but they're actually the type to talk.

They asked about every single thing, they were so curious, so interested about Halt. It even made him blush, as nobody, who was in his hall, was that interested as Eyes was.

-This book is called "Ash Princess". Her mother was killed and she became a servant in her own home. She was kept alive because she was like a trophy for the king and she was trying to do the revenge during the whole book. - Halt happily explained, as he watched Eyes listen with real interest. - In the end of the book she escaped with her friends on a ship, it came out that she has an aunt. She still has the pride of a queen and she kidnapped the prince of the enemies, but secretly loves him.

-How curious...So after that they now lived like pirates? - Eyes curiously blinked with their eyes multiple times.

-I...Don't know. I still didn't manage to get into Figure's library. - Halt sighed, he seemed sad. - I really wish to get the book. I think part two was called... "Lady Smoke"? Or something like that...

-Maybe we can bring it to you? - Eyes suddenly suggested.

-Huh? For me? — Halt turned all red.

Yes..We mean... — Eyes blushes too, as they looked away. —..For you!.. We mean..I-it's not that k-kind of a deal!

—It's...Sweet of you. — Halt smiled with a supportive stare. — Thank you...You're...the nicest...one in this he..hotel

—We think the same way about you. — Eyes closed their eyes, as they understood that their glow starts to get some slight pink effect because of the blush. — We want you to tell us more about the books.

—Wait...Really?...— Halt got shocked and happy in the same moment. — You...Want... To listen..?

—Yes..We do. — Eyes opened their eyes again, their stare was truly lovely.

And Eyes moved closer to Halt, listening to his stories with actual interest. Well, I mean, you rarely get a good listener, and you rarely meet someone, who doesn't judge you and respects your boundaries.

They can be their true selves with each other.


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