2. The Last Splatfest

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Desti: What are you doing?

Desti: Why are you not out there training?

Desti: You're a complete failure for not trying.

Desti: You're being pathetic.

The visions of Desti hovered around Meggy as she stood furious in her bedroom. Each time one of them spoke, the anger and guilt rose inside her.

Meggy: Why do you care so much? All you do is talk down to me like I'm some unwanted kid. What else do you even do other than banter?

Desti: What I do is try and make you succeed! But look at yourself!

Meggy: I know what I am. Who I am. That doesn't mean you get to decide for me.

Desti: If you want to just sit around and wait until the FinalFest is right around the corner, be my guest, but I'll only say—

Meggy: I told you so, I know.

???: *distant* Meggy? Who are you talking to?

Meggy turns towards her door, recognizing that someone was coming.

Meggy: Crap. I have to go. Now get out of my head.

She waves her hand dismissively towards the floating wisps around her. Each of them vanish as the friend who had called her walks in. Meggy picks up her phone and holds it like she had just gotten off a phone call.

Meggy: Sorry, Tari. I was on the phone. You need something?

Tari pauses for a moment, staring down at Meggy on the floor.

Tari: Uh, no, actually. I was just curious what you were doing in your room all alone. I've been trying to get ahold of you for hours.

Meggy: Maybe the texts and calls just weren't coming through.

Tari: But you were just on your phone. Could you at least check if I got any of your messages?

Meggy turned her phone on and checked her messages. Sure enough, she had two missed calls and three new texts from Tari, and one text from Saiko, asking where she'd been.

She looked back up to Tari.

Meggy: I must've missed them coming through.

Tari: Have you been talking to yourself again?

Meggy: ...No?

Tari: *sigh* I swear, Meggy, this is really starting to become a problem. You can't do this to yourself.

Meggy: I'm not doing anything to myself. I'm fine.

Tari: You should come and hang with us all later today. SMG4 is hosting a cookout.

Meggy: I don't know. I'm not really feeling up to it.

Tari: This isn't right.

She reaches out and grabs Meggy's arm.

Tari: Come on. You're not sitting on your butt pouting all day.

Meggy: Watch me do it.

Tari pulls her friend to her feet and begins to drag her by the arm.

Tari: Not an option.

Meggy frowns as she gets her feet underneath herself to walk beside Tari.

Meggy: Why do I even need to go anyways?

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