8. Inmates (part 1)

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A loud buzzer woke Meggy up from her sleep. The sound lasted for close to three seconds before fading, followed by a heavy grinding noise. It was deafening.
She felt way too sore to even move a single muscle.
Opening her eyes even felt like a challenging task that required all her strength.

She forced herself to partially sit up though so she could see where the loud noise had come from.
She immediately noticed it.

Her cell door was wide open, and no one was standing next to it waiting for her. Was it a trick? Was it a chance at freedom? She had to act now, or risk never getting this chance again.

She leapt off her small bed and hurdled for the door, dashing straight through it, only to crash into Aliya with a ton of force, knocking them both over to the ground.

Other inmates began laughing hysterically at Meggy's falter, pointing at her and Aliya. Some were even talking about them already, and not in a good way.

Meggy groaned in pain as she rolled onto her back, facing the ceiling of the cell block. The other inmates were beginning to file out of their cells one by one, and some stopped to look down at Meggy, then move on. One of them however, stopped to help her and Aliya off the ground.

???: That was quite the start to your first day, Huh?

Meggy: *groans* Tell me about it.

The inmate offers a hand to her, and she hesitates, but accepts the hand to be helped to her feet.

Harley: The name's Harley.

Meggy: Megan.

Harley: And who's this?

Another inmate was helping Aliya off the ground as he looked over.

Meggy: That's my sister, Aliya. We were...Caught at the wrong place at the wrong time last night.

Harley: Damn, that sucks. I was about to say: What are two young women like yourselves doing here?

Meggy: Your guess is good as mine.

Harley: What are you even in for?

Meggy paused as memories of the previous night rushed to her.
She had never got the chance to tell Mario how she truly felt about him. It was too late when she found him probably dead after falling out the window, and she knew exactly who was responsible for this.

Harley noticed Meggy seething with resentment and indescribable guilt at the same time and took a step away from her.

Harley: It's that bad?

Aliya: We witnessed someone kill her...I guess you could've called him her boyfriend...But she was caught holding a knife when the cops showed up.

Harley: That's rough. Sorry you're in for that.

Aliya: What about you?

Harley: After my wife divorced me, she kept calling the police on me whenever I would watch our daughter. She claimed I was abusing her. They couldn't prove my innocence because she has a condition where she bruises easily.

Aliya: Oh my gosh, that's awful.

Harley: Yeah, it hurt, but it's gonna hurt a lot more for her once I get out of here and get myself a lawyer.

Meggy: You never know, maybe I could lend a helping hand with that. I went through some law school for a bit.

Harley: Would you look at that? What a small world.

Guard: Hey. Keep movin.

Harley leans in close to Aliya and Meggy so he could whisper to them.

Harley: That's Gus over there. He's the big boss underneath the Warden. No one messes with him and gets away with it.

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