9. Inmates (part 2)

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Anthony paced from within a small room within the Mushroom Castle.

No one had been back yet, so he took this time to set up a partial camp with Triton and Summer while they had the available space.

Summer: You lost her!?

Anthony: Mario interfered and would not let me pass.

Triton: Why didn't you just end his life? It's not like it'll affect us.

Anthony: I don't know what happened with this run. Something...Was off.

Summer: You always say that when you fail a mission!

Anthony: I know, but something, just, felt...Wrong about all this. Maybe...We are the bad guys here?

Summer took a small step back, trying her best not to choke on a coffee she was drinking.

Summer: What did you just say?

Triton even dropped a blade to the ground, letting it clatter.

Triton: What in the name of Adron has gotten into you!? What goes through your head to make you think that this is all wrong!? What about our home!?

Anthony: I get that our home is in danger...But just look around! This place is completely untouched by Duratros' forces! We could start a new life here! We could even forget—

Summer: No! I cannot abandon our friends back home. We must carry out the mission. If we need to break into a high security prison to do it...So be it.

Triton: How did she even manage to get into prison anyways?

Summer and Triton both had their eyes on Anthony now.

Anthony: ...There was interference.

Triton: What kind of interference?

Anthony: Another figure I didn't quite recognize in the moment showed up. He caused a distraction, and Mario attempted to attack.

Summer: And how does this correspond to Meggy's arrest?

Anthony: Mario got too close, and I had to use the weapon.

Summer: Oh god, you didn't kill him, right?

Anthony: Just an electric jolt. The fall might've killed him, but I just confirmed this morning that he is still alive...For now.

Summer: How could you do something like this!? Remember your second mission!? You accidentally killed Mario, and soon after, you lost Meggy to suicide!

Anthony: That might be different here.

Summer: You don't know that!

She throws her hands up in frustration and turns away from Anthony.

Summer: We're gonna go get her...Then we are leaving. Is that understood?

Anthony: Do not speak in that tome towards me.

Summer: We aren't in our home universe! I'll do whatever the hell I please!

Anthony's eye twitched slightly, and he took a deep breath, turning away as well, walking out of the room.

Triton: Where are you going!? This meeting is not over!

Anthony: Oh I know. That's why I'm leaving.

Anthony leaves the room, walking into the empty foyer of the castle, passing Peach, who was gagged and tied up, leaning against the wall.

She muffled a cry for help as he passed by, but he didn't even look in her direction. Anthony mutters to himself, just quiet enough so she couldn't hear him.

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