10. Escapees

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The entire cafeteria stood in silent shock and awe at the event that had just unfolded before them all.
Quinn was dead.

Someone had actually killed him. Xavier's right hand. Was gone. The tormentor of the Kingdom Institution, was actually gone.

Meggy and Aliya stood completely still as guards came and went, escorting Douglas away from the scene. Some then came in and began cleaning up the mess that Douglas had left.

Quinn's face was deformed and unrecognizable almost. Some prisoners were looking towards Meggy as a lot of them knew who had caused Douglas to attack them. Some had looks of anger, others with one of remorse on their faces.

The cafeteria was cleared out relatively quickly, the mess was cleaned, and Meggy was given a new set of clothes to replace her torn ones.

Before Meggy could change out of her torn uniform, one of the guards had paused to try and sneak a look at her, but she stopped and stared back, not taking her eyes away. They stood in a bit of a staring match for a couple seconds until the guard broke eye contact and walked away with a scoff.

She barely even felt comfortable enough being within this confinement, and now, because of what just transpired, she really felt that being here was only thinning her will to keep pushing forward.

She quickly undressed herself and dropped her clothes to the floor, picking up her new uniform and attempted to put it on.

She noticed relatively quickly that her new uniform was at least one size too small for her. Whoever gave her this new uniform, clearly did it on purpose.

Meggy: *groan* Come on...

She knew she couldn't go back out there with her old uniform, and unless she could find a needle and string, she was really stuck wearing this replacement uniform.

Meggy: *thoughts* At least it's better than going out there naked. That would mess me up.

She got her pants on and began putting her new shirt over herself when she heard a whistle from nearby.
She shot daggers with her eyes in the direction of the noise and noticed one of the inmates she didn't recognize staring in her direction.

She just rolled her eyes and continues trying to put her shirt on, buttoning up the collar to conceal as much skin as possible.

Usually, she could care less about wearing a short sleeve and shorts, but in here, it was all about covering herself up as best as possible...

A heavy door slowly slammed shut, Douglas being on the inside of it. The thick door had only a small window looking out into the dingy hall with a singular barred window to the outside world.

Guard: It surprises me every single day how unbelievably ridiculous people like you can be.

Douglas: Are you implying something?

Guard: Do you want me to?

Douglas didn't respond. He just leaned against the wall of the confinement cell.

Douglas: Not necessary.

The guard walks off from Douglas' cell, making sure to close the small window partially, decreasing the amount of light coming into the small enclosure.

???: Why is he in there?

Guard: Why are you to ask? Aren't you the new guy? And you're not allowed to be back here.

Douglas: *to self* New guy?

???: I have special clearance to be back here, and I'm a transfer.

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