One More Year, And a Baby (Somehow)

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Happy New Year Readers!
I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and a Safe New Year's Eve. I want to apologize for the fact that I have been having trouble sticking to a story. Therefore, I have decided to try and do something different. I have read a story lately, and it has been making me want to try and do something similar. However, I want to start it differently. Or, something like that. For my Wattpad readers, I believe I have done something similar to this before, but I have decided to try it again. And this time, I'll take things slower. Also, I am not going to have kids for a while; so, be warned that's the case. Thanks again for reading.


Chicago – December 4, 2018
She was summoned here by her husband; he asked her to come back so that they can do it right; that they can talk about the divorce in person. That they can talk about the divorce papers that she sent him in the mail, express from Puerto Rico. And he meant it when he said that, that he wanted her to come home to talk before he even thought about signing the papers; and she agreed to do it. In return, Matt agreed to pick her up at the airport and drive her home. But this no longer looked like home. "Matt, I told you that I'm tired. I told you that I want to go home." Matt agreed with Gabby when she told him that. "Trust me, we are baby." Gabby laughed. "Nice one Matt, I am well aware of what our home looks like. I need you to start thinking straight. I need you to stop playing around. You asked me to come here so that we can do it face-to-face." It being, signing the divorce papers. "We aren't doing that yet. We aren't signing the divorce papers for a few days."

Gabby looked at her husband when he said that, shocked that he even said that. "Excuse me? Matt, I have a meeting in a few days. I booked a flight in 3 days to leave to go to Puerto Rico. I want this done in 48 hours." Hearing the way she said that, the way she spoke to just broke his heart. But the way she mentioned tomorrow just shattered his heart. The date she wanted to sign their divorce papers shattered his heart. She wanted to have their divorce papers signed by December 6th, 2018. But he wasn't going to mention it until they are at the apartment. God, does she really forget that day? The date of their anniversary! They are not going to be signing divorce papers tomorrow. Rather, they are going to be enjoying themselves; and he's going to remind her how much she means to him. How much he loves her. But first, he needs to show her why he called her here. "Gabby, let me just drive you somewhere first; then we can talk quickly."

Gabby agreed with her husband when he said that, leaning back against her chair while he drove. "How have things been in Puerto Rico though? You've been safe? How's Antonio?" Gabby agreed to talk a bit. "Antonio's doing better. And I've been safe, I promise. And if you're thinking that way, no; I have not cheated on you. I am waiting..." Matt just stopped her. "Oh god Gabby, if you think that's why I didn't sign the divorce papers, then you are mistaken. I have been a bit busy recently." Gabby laughed. "With what? Sleeping around with that blonde reporter? You don't think I talk to Stella sometimes?" Matt took a breath when he heard Gabby mention her, continuing to drive to their old home. "Yeah, that was a mistake. I was drunk, and it was so wrong. But I just want to say that I stopped it." Gabby looked at her husband when he said that, confused. "You did?" Matt nodded. "She just stayed the night because she was drunk. She slept in the guest room."

Gabby let out a sigh of relief when she heard her husband tell her that. "So, you mean..." Matt nodded. "You are still the only woman that I have ever made love to in our home." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that, smiling as she proceeded to grab his hand. Seeing that he still wore his wedding band, Gabby bit her lip. "You still wear your ring?" Looking at his hand, Matt agreed with his wife when she asked him that. "Yeah, until I'm no longer married...I plan on wearing my ring. I'm just glad that it didn't melt in the fire recently." Matt said that while pulling up to their old home. "What fi..." Gabby then turned her head and looked at the home that she and Matt once shared. The home that they always thought they'd raise their kids in someday, the home they thought they'd grow old in together. But now, it was gone. Taking a breath, Matt turned to look at his wife. Turning off his truck, he decided to get out as he wanted to lead her inside.

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