Loving Each Other: Intimate Time

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Hello Readers:
I know that I have been a bit slow today. So, I am not going to waste time. Rather, I am going to just get right into it. Time for you to have chapter six and just have a bunch of fun with Matt and Gabby, enjoy this one everybody.

Making his way back to bed after going to the washroom and grabbing the both of them some water, Matt smirked as he looked at his beautiful wife as she sat up in bed with nothing but the little sheets on top of her. And they were not just on top of her, she was holding them in a way that made them show off all of her curves; and let's just say that was a real turn on. It was so sexy, and that was exactly why Gabby was doing it. She knew that it would turn Matt on, and she wants her husband to be turned on when he climbs back into bed with her. She wants to have him all over her as they want to make love to each other for the first time in a while, they both do. But rather than doing it in a pool, they will be doing it in a bed. Sure, it isn't their bed; but it's a bed. And that's all that matter at the end of the day. That they are going to be making love to each other in a very sexy way. That's what she wants to do with her husband right now, and he wants to do the same.

Just looking at his gorgeous wife, Matt shook his head as he already knew exactly what she was doing. "Last time I checked, we agreed that we would be taking a breather." Gabby agreed with her man when he told her that, smirking. "Yeah, from those conversations. I didn't think you meant from having fun with each other." Matt smirked as he heard Gabby say that, glad that was how she was feeling right now; as that was exactly what he was thinking about. He definitely wants to take the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world in his arms and make love to her; after all, he has missed her for a while. And there truly is nothing like the idea of them making love to each other. Sure, they just got back together today, but they have yet to make love to each other. God, things have just been crazy. "I swear, we've already done a lot today. You sure you don't want to get some supper before we go ahead with having sex?" Gabby smirked at her husband.

"I already took care of that. I found a pizza place, just ordered a cheese pizza to get here in two hours." Matt was shocked when she said that, looking at the time. "God, is it really already 4:30?" Gabby agreed with her husband when he asked her if it was already 4:30. "Yeah, so we have 2 hours before the food gets here mister. That means that we have 2 hours to have fun, and then we can just wear something comfortable. Maybe we can take a nice bath tonight?" Matt smirked when Gabby said that. "I love the sound of that. But first, we both agreed that we are going to be doing something else first." Gabby smirked, agreeing with the man she loves when he said that. "Oh, did we now?" Matt agreed with Gabby when she asked him that, because she already knew what they are both going to be doing; and he was ready to do it. He wants to take Gabby in his arms for the first time in a while, because he has missed her a lot. That's what they need to do, have fun.

"God, I am so glad that we're back together." Gabby agreed with her husband when he told her that, watching as he set their waters down on her side table. "Me too baby. However, you want to know what's going to make me even happier?" Matt smirked. "What's that?" Gabby smirked. "When my husband comes to join me in bed so that we can take things slow with each other. I know you said that you want to take a breather, but I have missed you. Sure, we did it in the pool but..." Matt then put his hand out for Gabby. "Come here." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that, grabbing his hand so that she can get up this afternoon. Afterwards, she got up (with his help) and smirked as she proceeded to get close to the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. Putting her hands on his chest, Gabby smiled when she felt Matt wrap his arms around her. Leaning up, Gabby kissed him before feeling him move his hand to her neck as they took it slow.

Moving one of her hands to his neck, Gabby smiled as she kissed the man of her dreams slowly while getting ready for him to get in bed with her. Wrapping his arm around her back, Matt smiled as he kissed Gabby exactly how he wants to kiss her right now. He wants to take things nice and slow with the woman of his dreams, the woman he loves like crazy. He then proceeded to ask for entry, which Gabby granted right away; after all, that's just the first step of them getting in bed with each other. Taking things nice and slow with each other, Matt and Gabby both smiled as they got ready to join each other in bed. Afterwards, Matt decided to pick his 'girl' up in his arms as he moved his hands to her back. Feeling Matt do that, Gabby smiled as she put both of her hands on his neck; holding him close to her, she kissed the man of her dreams slowly. And let's just say that it was pure paradise, them holding each other close as they got ready to make love to each other.

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