Fixing Dawsey: Safe in Bed, Talking

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The husband smiled as he made his way back out of the washroom, clad in nothing but some of the same tight boxers that he was wearing earlier (before they got in the pool). However, the same can't be said for his beautiful wife. Rather than wearing the same stuff that she was wearing before they went to take a swim this afternoon, she was wearing some very sexy lingerie. Lingerie that he had no clue that she even had with them; because if he did, then she would've been in it a long time ago. He just loves the sight of her in their bed. Okay, the lingerie isn't that bad either. But the sight of his wife in their bed is really nice. But even better, they are going to be talking. And that's just something that they need to do right now. They need to take it easy with each other as they talk. There's just something telling him that they need to talk.

And they do, as they need to work on their marriage for a while; but they also need to talk as they are husband and wife. Most importantly, they need to talk about all of the emotions that they are both going through right now as there is just this feeling of tense air swirling around the both of them in this hotel room. But now, they are going to talk as they take things easy with each other. Matt is going to hold his wife in his arms as they just relax with each other. And he's sure that's exactly what Gabby wants him to do right now anyways. She wants her husband to hold her in his arms, make her feel safe and just talk to her. So, that's exactly what the couple are going to do. And he's going to make sure that his wife is okay by them talking. And that starts right now when they are in bed with each other. And the truth is, he can't wait to hold her.

He just loves holding Gabby in his arms, and he knows that she feels the same way; and she even loves it when he's walking around the room in his boxers based on the way that he's staring at his body right now. "I swear, you are such a tease, and you must know it." Looking at Gabby as he walked over to their bed, Matt smirked as he proceeded to set his phone down on his side table. Afterwards, he leaned over his beautiful wife and bent down to kiss her softly. Putting her hands on Matt's face as he kissed her, Gabby smirked as they are both really happy with each other. And Gabby just loves being with him as his wife. There is nothing more important to her than being his wife, and that's why she's back. Almost loosing Matt has made her realize the same thing, she wants to be with her husband more than she wants to be in Puerto Rico working.

God, the way he just makes her smile all the time is just perfect; he truly is the perfect man for her, and she is so proud of the fact that he is her husband. But now, it's time for her husband to join her in bed and get close to her. She wants to cuddle up to him as they talk about what they said they were going to talk about in the pool, they are going to talk about what Matt said out there; and Gabby is going to say it right away. "Matt, can you promise me that we're going to talk about that thing you mentioned while we were in the pool? How..." Matt then crashed his lips into Gabby's again, kissing her as he didn't want to her the rest of her sentence, he hates thinking about that already; so, he doesn't need to be reminded of what he said, when he knows that they are going to talk about it. He wants to talk about it too as well, it's important.

"We're going to talk about it, I promise Gabby." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, smiling as he climbed into bed with her. She then proceeded to slip close to the man she loves. And let's just say that Matt loved the fact that she was already getting close to him; it was exactly what he wanted his beautiful wife to do for him right now. Grabbing the covers for the both of them this afternoon, Matt smiled as he tugged them up on top of the both of them and then brought Gabby right against his chest. He then put his hand on her arm and just smiled as he leaned in and kissed her softly. Grabbing the back of Matt's head, Gabby smirked as they took things nice and slow with each other. God, this is absolutely perfect...and there truly is nothing more that either of them want to be doing right now other than holding each other close in bed.

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