One Shot: Anniversary in Puerto Rico

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Hi Readers: I just wanted to let you all know that this part of the story will simply be a one shot that will later lead into my story "Second Chances in Puerto Rico"

The feeling of her husband's muscular, naked body under hers was a feeling that Gabriela Casey could get used to; and she will get used to the feeling due to the fact that a lot has changed in the past 48 hours. God, 48 hours is all it took. What are the odds that all it took for her to get her husband to come down to Puerto Rico with her was for their home in Chicago to burn down? Had she known that, then she would've asked someone to do it a while ago. (She's kidding)! Seriously, give the woman a break and just let her be happy that the man she loves is currently sleeping under her naked body, the two of them having made love to each other the night before when they celebrated the fact that Matt now lives here; not that he's here to visit her in Puerto Rico, but that he's going to live here. And the couple definitely plan on celebrating more today due to what day it is today. Today is December 6th, 2018. Their second wedding anniversary, and she's really happy now.

To think, this was also the date that she wanted their divorce to be finalized, their wedding anniversary of all days. But now, the two of two aren't getting a divorce; heck, they aren't even separated anymore. Rather, they are reconciled, and that just makes Gabby so happy. It makes her very happy that they are back together, as it's all that she wants to do right now. She wants to be here with the man of her dreams, and she wants to be married to him for the rest of her life. And, thanks to him moving here to be with her, she believes that's exactly what's going to happen. They are going to be with each other for the rest of their lives; and that makes her happy. Nothing like her loving husband coming here to join her in Puerto Rico to make her a very happy woman. God there truly is nothing that could make her happier every single day for the rest of her life; this is what she wants in life, to live in the same city as her husband as they are married. And they are married.

Matt is such an amazing man, and Gabby is so happy that she is the woman who gets to call him her husband, that is just incredible, and she can't wait to share her first morning kiss on their anniversary. But she can't complain that he's taking his time to wake up, as that means that she gets to keep feeling the nice wedding band that Matt's wearing on her skin. Just the feeling of his wedding band on her skin sends shivers up and down her spine, as it makes her happy. It truly makes her very happy, and she's glad that they are doing this right now. They are just taking it easy with each other as they hold each other in bed, the bed of the new home that they now share together; and will share together for the rest of their lives. And she truly believes that. She truly believes that she will be Matt's wife for the rest of her life, as they both know that they have escaped death too many times to be with anybody other than each other for the rest of their lives. That's just a fact.

Laying her head back down on Matt's chest, Gabby stroked his chest with her thumb while also trying to make sure that she doesn't wake Matt up as she wants him to get as much sleep as he can here. She wants him to just take it easy right now. But, at the same time, she does love the idea of the two of them taking it easy with each other and just having a bunch of fun. Heck, if Matt wants to make love to her this morning; then she is not going to complain. Rather, she'd take off his boxers if he was wearing some. Yes, even though they travelled all day yesterday, they ended up making love to each other the night before. And it was the best feeling in the entire world. For Matt to make love to her last night was the best feeling in the entire world. And there will be anybody else that can make her moan the way that he made her moan last night. There's just something in how he runs his hands all over her body that just.... makes her go crazy and makes her moan.

That's when Gabby felt Matt run his fingers through her hair before kissing her forehead softly, and that just made her very happy. It's just the little things that Matt does that makes her very happy to be his wife. She's also very proud to call him her husband, and that they get to share the life that she's created here for the both of them for the rest of their lives. Continuing to stroke Matt's chest with her thumb, Gabby smiled as she turned her head and then bent down to kiss it; she kissed it the way she used to do it in Chicago, their old home. Yes, you heard that right. Matt has decided to call Chicago 'his old home' from now on, as Puerto Rico is now his home. The only home that they will ever live in together, both together and with their children someday; and that makes Gabby very happy. Both the fact that they are going to live here, and the fact that they are going to try and have children. That was never their original plan, but now it is. They're going to try for a baby (and hopefully, she'll be the one who carries the baby for the both of them). But she can wait, she will until it happens.

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