Chapter Two

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Hello again readers:
I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of this new story that I am writing for you all. I know that I have been trying to write many stories recently, but I hope that I can finally say that I found the right story for me to write. And honestly, I think that this story will be the right way to do this. Now, let's get on to Chapter Two of Second Chances; a One Chicago-Dawsey Story.

Chapter Two:
Our Temporary Home...Where We Can Take a Winter Swim

MOKENA, ILLINOIS – His wife agreed to come home for a while. Just her telling him that she'd come home for a while put a large smile on Matt's face, as it meant that he and Gabby were going to be able to try and fix what was wrong between the both of them. And, at the same time, Matt will also be able to do things for his wife (to show him how much he truly loves her). He'll be able to listen to her, to support her; and even better, he'll be able to give her the support that she needed a couple months ago when something (what, he has no clue yet) happened between her and Sylvie. While he knew that was going to come up at some point, he didn't know the order. But he did know one thing, they were going to share a nice kiss and get comfortable in their temporary bed before they start talking. Matt hasn't spent intimate time with his wife for so long, that he wants to take her in his arms as soon as he can. He wants her to know that she is the only woman for him.

He regrets taking that other woman home, to the home that they once shared as husband and wife; and that was the worst thing that he could've ever done, especially when they are still married to each other. Carrying the food that they got on their way to the hotel, Matt smiled as he looked at his beautiful wife; ready to hold her close to him as they relax in bed. "Here you go, the sandwich that you got at the restaurant we stopped at." Gabby smiled, agreeing with her loving husband as he gave her the food which they got on the drive here from Chicago. Afterwards, she reached up and motioned for him to bend down and give her a kiss. Doing that for the woman he loves, Matt smiled as he kissed the woman of his dreams as they took things nice and slow with each other. "I love you." Gabby agreed with her husband when he told her that. "And I mean that Gabby." Gabby smiled, nodding as she proceeded to stroke her loving husband's cheek, the man of her dreams.

"Matt, I know that." Taking a breath, Matt looked at his wife; and that got Gabby a bit worried. She could just see that something was bothering her husband. And she wants him to talk to her about it. God, she is being such a hypocrite right now. They should've spoken to each other before she left, but they didn't. And now, look where they are. They are in this awkward place where they feel like it's weird to be together; though that might also be due to the fact that they haven't been together in a while. "Baby, you've been acting off since we left the house and got food. You mostly let me talk on the way here, and you didn't talk much Matt. Are you okay baby?" Matt took a breath and then proceeded to walk over to their food. Grabbing it, he proceeded to make his way over to the bed where he plans on spending some quality (and intimate) time with Gabby over the next couple days. "I know, I's been a rough couple of days." Gabby agreed with Matt.

"I'm just glad that you're home Gabby. I know you didn't have to do this, and that you could've just stayed away as you want to end our marriage but...just you being here makes me smile. Whether it be here as a friend, or as my wife..." Gabby stopped Matt when he started saying that. "Hey, I am here as your wife baby. That's the truth. I am here as your wife, and that will always be the case. That is what I want to be to you. Your wife, for the rest of your life. And I...I think we need to talk still." Matt agreed. "Yeah, you moving back does involve a bunch of conversations with each other." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that. "On both parts. How about we both just eat, and we can start talking?" Matt smirked as his wife said that. "Maybe I can convince you to get undressed after lunch?" Gabby looked at her husband when he said that. "Oh, I love that idea. I have missed you for a while, and I want to have some intimate time with the man I love." Matt agreed.

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