Calming Things Down in Sweats

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Hi readers, sorry for the changes in Chapter 7. However, I decided to just add some more paragraphs due to the fact that it was not enough for an entire chapter. So, now...I give you the real 8th chapter of the story. Thanks again for reading.

Matt could tell just by looking at his wife as he walked out of that washroom that she was wearing some of his sweats, the sweats that he just recently bought on his way here that he could get comfortable while they relax here; after all, they do need to get a bunch of clothes when they are back in Chicago. Well, he does at least due to the fact that he lost most of his clothes in the future. But Gabby might need to get some of hers from Puerto Rico; and they might even need to get her some new winter clothes. Heck, who knows what else they need to do. All Matt knows is that the two of them are happy, and that's all that matters at the end of the day. The truth is, Matt doesn't remember the last time the two of them were this happy. And while it may sound sad, it was also perfect. For them to be this happy while they are married, this is his dream come true; and he's just glad that they are still married. There truly is nobody like Gabby in the whole wide world, and he's just glad that he gets to live this life with her. Looking at his wife as she relaxed in their bed, Matt smiled as she looked towards the flat screen TV that they have in their room. The flat screen TV that was playing some Christmas movie.

"You order some supper for the both of us already?" Looking up from the iPad that she was also using while watching TV, Gabby smiled at her husband as she saw him. Seeing that he wasn't talking, Gabby then realized something. "Oh, did you say something baby?" Matt nodded when Gabby asked him whether he said something. "I asked you if you ordered some supper for the both of us already." Gabby then thought about it. "Oh, sorry baby. I didn't order." Matt nodded, agreeing with Gabby when she said that. "It's fine. What are you looking at?" Gabby took a breath when Matt asked her that. "I was just starting a search that we need to do eventually." Matt was confused when she said that. "What are you talking about?" Walking over to their bed in his sweats, Matt proceeded to grab his phone before walking around their bed. "I want to sit down next to you, so how about you slip over so that we can sit down together; then, I can wrap my arm around her. I can hold my beautiful wife in my arms as we both look at the iPad so that we can find something to eat around here."

Gabby then looked up at Matt. "Maybe we can order us some McDonalds?" Matt was shocked when Gabby said that. "McDonalds?" Gabby smiled. "What, do you have a body to maintain?" Matt then went to lift up his shirt to show him the six pack that he has been working on a lot more. "I have been at the gym more often with Severide." Gabby laughed, agreeing with Matt when he said that. She then decided to slip over in bed so that her loving husband can join her in bed. She wants to just cuddle up to the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. He truly is the man of her dreams, and she is so glad that they are together once again. "Baby, you're a firefighter. You can get a workout every day you go to work." Matt agreed with Gabby when she said that. "Fine, we can order some McDonald's." Gabby agreed with Matt. "Good, because I already ordered it. I got us some Chicken Burgers and Pops. I thought you'd like a chicken burger with salads." Matt smiled, agreed with Gabby when she said that. "Sounds great. How do we order it? Or do we have to get it?"

Gabby bit her lip when her husband asked her that. "Uhm..." Matt looked at his wife when she said that. "I'm going to get it, aren't I?" Gabby bit her lip and just looked up at the man she loves. "Do you mind?" Matt smiled before bending down to kiss Gabby softly. Afterwards, he took things nice and slow with the woman of his dreams. That's when he also saw what else she was looking at. She was looking at flights to Puerto Rico. He then turned to look at Gabby. "Why are you looking at flights to Puerto Rico?" Gabby took a breath and looked at her husband. "I'm thinking about it. I just don't want you to think bad about this." Matt agreed with his wife when she said that. He then bent down to kiss her forehead softly. "Listen, how about think about what you want to say to me. I will go get us some McDonald's from the store. Then, we can talk about this." Gabby then turned to look at Matt. "Wait, first can you sit down, and we can talk Matt..."

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