Chapter Three

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Hello again readers:
I hope you all enjoyed the second chapter of this new story that I am writing for you all. I know that I have been trying to write many stories recently, but I hope that I can finally say that I found the right story for me to write. And honestly, I think that this story will be the right way to do this. Now, let's get on to Chapter 3 of Second Chances (with some sexy time).

Chapter Three:
We Can Take a Winter Swim...And Make Love in The Pool
(But Only After We Talk about the Kids Situation)

This was going to be the couple's first chance to make love to each other in a couple months. A couple long months where they have both been craving the love and attention from each other, and they both knew it; they both knew that they were craving each other. And that was obvious just based on the way that they were dressed ahead of them getting into the pool this afternoon, with nothing put some towels around their bodies. But, at the same time, it makes Matt proud. It makes him proud to see how far she's come. Sure, it's just the two of them here...but for her to already to be able to walk around clad in nothing but a towel after what she experienced earlier this year, that's a lot. And Gabby needs to know that, which is why Matt is in the midst of making his way into the bathroom of his and Gabby's room this afternoon so that he can tell her that (and take her to the pool). Walking in, Matt saw that Gabby was struggling to do it up. "Want some help?" Looking up at her husband, Gabby smiled as that was exactly what she needed at the moment. She needed his help to put her towel on. "For some reason, it's not as easy as it looks for me. I still haven't done it since that incident." Matt took a breath, sighing.

He then walked up to his wife before going to grab her hand. Holding the towel on top of her body, Gabby looked up at Matt. "Sorry if mentioning it made you feel a bit nervous now." Gabby looked up at Matt when he said that. "Hey, I will never be nervous to be naked around you; I promise that's the case baby. I know that I need to be naked around you if I want to get pregnant with you. I mean if you want to." Matt sighed when Gabby said that. "Gabby, let's just take it one day at a time okay? We just got back together. Maybe you can give me a bit of time with you...with you just being my wife. I have time off. And we can figure things out, we can plan things out. Because Gabby, I am not taking chances anymore okay? I already almost lost you three times in the past 2 years; and I almost lost you forever the third time, I am not risking a fourth. How about we just take it easy and see what happens? No stress, no thinking about it. It can just happen naturally. If not, we look at other options. We have many options." Gabby took a breath. "Adoption last okay?" Matt agreed with Gabby when she told him that. He then put his hand on the side of her face to stroke it with his thumb and give her comfort.

Gabby then got close to her husband once again and just wrapped her arms around him. Doing the same with Gabby, Matt held her close to him before kissing her forehead softly. "Listen, we'll figure it out okay baby? I promise. And if we're blessed with you getting pregnant, then we will make sure that you're safe. Actually, let's get in the pool and we can talk about this okay? That way, if we get too serious...we can splash each other with water for a bit." Gabby agreed with her husband when he told her that, smiling as she moved her hands to his chest. Meanwhile, Matt moved his hands to her upper back while leaning into kiss the woman of his dreams softly. Afterwards, he picked her up in his arms and just smirked as he set her down on the counter. Tugging her body against his, Matt smirked as he kissed Gabby softly. "I can't wait to make love to you for the first time in a while." Gabby agreed with Matt, smirking as he told her that; ready to do just that as well. It sounds absolutely perfect, and it's what she wants to do as she put her hands on his face this afternoon.

Kissing the man she loves more than anything, Gabby smiled as she watched him help her off the counter. Afterwards, Matt decided to grab her towel from her body and tugged it away from her. That way, it'll be much easier when he carries her in his arms. "Hey, what are you doing?" Matt smirked. "Making you more body confident by carrying you to the pool naked." Gabby smiled when Matt said that as she loves this man who is currently holding her in her arms so much, putting her hand on his neck as he picked her up in his arms once again. Afterwards, Matt wrapped her legs around his waist so that he can carry her to the pool this afternoon (with both of their towels in his hand). Wrapping her arms around Matt's head, Gabby smirked as she realized that they were both naked. "You just wanted to do that so it was easier to start having sex the minute we get into the pool." Matt laughed, smiling as he heard his wife tell him that. "Oh, and you don't like that idea?"

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