Loving Each Other in the Bath (and the Shower)

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Once again, slow days means that I go right ahead and jump into the chapters for you guys. However, I need to ask. What are you guys thinking of this story so far? And what'd you think of Gabby's reaction? Do you think that it's just the nerves of her being back with Matt for the first time after so long? Or is it for some other reason? Give me some ideas as to why you think she's acting this way. And who knows...maybe that can be implemented in the story (credit will be given). Thanks!

The water was nice and warm as the couple sat in the bath together, Gabby laying back against Matt's muscular chest with her eyes closed as she allowed the water to calm her down this afternoon. The warm water of the bath that her husband drew for her in the most romantic way possible. Something she didn't know about the suite is that you have the ability to customize it with the types of things that your loving spouse may want. Something t hat Matt thought she might want in the bath? Some baths that can allow her to relax. So, he got some perfumes for the bath that did something to her body and just made her relax to the best of her abilities. And it definitely helped that she had her man right behind her, running his hand around her body as he washed her this afternoon. But he wasn't the only one who was able to wash their spouse, she was able to do it too; but she did it before they got in the bath. The couple took a quick shower to wash Matt as it would just be easier. Plus, Matt wanted a nice kiss under the shower head as the bath filled up (it took a while as it was a big bath.

But now, they were exactly where the duo wanted to be with each other. They were in the bath, holding each other close as they relaxed. And that was exactly what Gabby needed right now, as it cleared her mind and just...made her really think about why she's acting the way she's acting right now. Why she's being so timid with Matt, the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. And she wants to talk to him about that. It's just something he needs to know about, as she doesn't want him to feel like it's something that he's doing on purpose. She's just getting used to this life again. I mean, it's their first day, and they are already acting like she never left. And maybe that's what's worrying her. The fact that they are just jumping right back into it and conquering it all right away. I mean, not that she didn't want to have his hands all over her right away; rather, it was the opposite. That was exactly what she wanted. She wants to have his hands all over her as they hold each other, as they love each other and just try and get back into a routine with each other. They need to do it.

But, how fast is too fast. Is Matt not worried about that? Or is he doing this because he doesn't want her to feel like something has changed in between them? I mean, obviously something has. She's no longer the same woman that she was when she first left Chicago in May, and then in September. Rather, she has a different outlook on life; and she also has different experiences that Matt's never had. She knows all about how lucky they are, and he doesn't. Yes, he had his own troubles when he was a kid (him having been abused by his father); but that's not the same as what she's seen in Puerto Rico. And she feels like that's something they need to talk about, as that was worrying her. And Matt did say that he wants her to talk to him about things that are worrying her, so she better do that before she thinks that she's hiding stuff again. God, hiding stuff like what she was doing with Severide. I mean, that was such a bad move; and she understands why he's hurt over that. That makes total sense, and she feels horrible for having did that nice. If she had to go back, she would.

She would do it all over again, maybe then they wouldn't have been in this position; in this position where they have to work on their marriage and try and find their way back to each other. But that's exactly what they're doing right now. They're trying to find their way back to each other, while also being intimate with each other. And what if they do end up getting pregnant, and they don't work out; I mean, they will always be friends. But raising a child as divorced parents is going to be hard, then she's stuck in Chicago; what if she wants to go back, she can't steal the baby way from Matt. So much on her mind, so much to talk about. Looking down at his wife, Matt could see the wheels were spinning in her head; and honestly, that was not what he wanted for her right now. He wants her to relax and take it easy as they relax in the bath right now. That's just a fact. But then again, this is his wife after all; and she always has her head spinning. And that's where his job comes in, to get her to relax when she needs to relax. And that's what Matt's going to do right now; get her to rest.

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