Fixing Dawsey: The Middle Option

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Hello Readers: Another day, another set of chapters for you. I hope that you guys are ready for a bunch of fun conversations between our married couple, as I know that I am ready for some. Also, if you guys have any ideas for conversations they should have, let me know by writing me a message or putting it in the comments. Thanks again for reading and have a good day.

"Ok. So, what's the middle option?" Matt smiled as he looked down at his beautiful wife, proceeding to kiss her forehead softly his afternoon after she asked him what the middle option (other than adoption or her being pregnant) would be. And that would be surrogacy, where another woman carries their biological child for them. While he knows full well that Gabby would like to be pregnant, he hopes that now that he understands his fears...this can be something that they can really look into as an option for the both of them to expand their family with biological children. And while the husband does know that it can get costly, there is nothing more important to him than keeping his wife safe. And it that means that he has to pay a woman to carry their child, then that is exactly what he will do. He will pay her money to keep his wife safe, while giving them the child of their dreams. (Either that, or they can volunteer to do it because of Gabby's situation). "Surrogacy." Gabby looked up at her husband when he said that surrogacy would be the middle option, the middle option for them to have a baby of their own. And that definitely was the truth, as the baby would be all theirs biologically.

However, the baby would be carried by another woman. Sure, is that the ideal situation for the both of them? Not really. However, it may be their only way for them to have biological children; and it'd be a way to keep her safe. And that was really what it came down to. Keeping her safe, especially have hearing all of the fears that her husband has when it comes to her being pregnant with their child. God, if only they could've spoken this way before she left to go to Puerto Rico; maybe then, they wouldn't be in the situation they are right now. Heck, maybe they would already be in the process of starting a family with a surrogate. And that's why Gabby is still being quite quiet, as she feels bad that she screwed up. She almost ruined everything by being so selfish, and not seeing that what she was pushing was really hurting her husband; the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. She pushed him away, and they almost lost each other for good. But now, they have a chance to be together for the rest of their lives; and she doesn't know whether she's ready to really give that up due to the fact that she loves her husband so much. And she means that. God, she loves Matt so damn much.

There truly is nobody else that she would rather be married to, and she is so proud to be his wife; that will always be the truth. Plus, it would allow them to travel for a bit; maybe they can even finally get away on a real honeymoon. Sure, this place is nice...but a real honeymoon would be better. But this is good for now. Anyways, it's not like they have a place to live at the moment in Chicago. So, a nice place where they can be alone (that also has a pool) is perfect for what they need to do right now for a while. They need to talk, and work things out in between the both of them; then, they can be even stronger when they are back in Chicago (and she may be back at the CFD) as she just feels like she can no longer leave. She wants to be here, and she thinks that she made the biggest mistake in her life leaving to go in the first place. "Matt, before I address that; can I just apologize?" Matt was confused when he heard his wife ask him if she can apologize. "Baby, if we're going too fast; then I'm sorry. Do you want to wait?" Gabby sat up when Matt asked her if she wants to wait, she doesn't.

She wants to fix what's wrong in between the both of them as soon as possible so that they can get past everything that was wrong. She wants to fix them. "Hey, don't even think that we're going too fast baby." Matt nodded as Gabby said that. "Lay down. Hover over me this time." Gabby agreed. Crawling on top of Matt once again, she smiled as she put her hands on his chest, moving close to him so that she can talk to the man of her dreams; the man she loves more than anything in the entire world, and the man who just wants to keep her safe. God, he is so selfless and that is the biggest turn on in the entire world. She is so lucky that he is her husband, and she needs to realize that. Who knew that almost loosing him (to death) was needed to make her realize that she is a very lucky woman; and that she needs to appreciate him more. Moving his hand to Gabby's neck as soon as she was hovering on top of him once again, Matt smirked as he ran his fingers through her hair and then kissed her softly. Taking things nice and slow with the man of her dreams, Gabby smiled as she is verry happy over the fact that they are together right now; safe in each other's arms in this gorgeous hotel/vacation spot.

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