Chapter 7 (back to original timeline)

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(I wrote this at 6am please excuse any spelling errors.. enjoy!)

"Slone.." I turned around feeling graves soft touch on my shoulder.

"Yes graves?" I smiled at him even though I was trying to shake off the recent interaction I had with Moore. I didn't plan on telling him what had happened since I already handled it.

He said nothing but pulling me in for what had to be the tightest hug of my life, it felt as if he'd never get the chance to hold me ever again.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, moving his face towards my lips brushing my nose resting his forehead against mine but not initiating a kiss just looking at me with sorrow eyes. He was obviously upset earlier but I didn't think it was to this point. What was he apologizing for?

"What's wrong, what happened and don't tell me "nothing I'm fine" because you obviously aren't." I asked looking up at him reading his whole face waiting for an answer. He just stood there for a minute then finally breaking the silence. "Nothing I'm just thinking of trivial things like the future.. our future." He answered giving me a half ass smile, brushing hair behind my ear.

"Our future? That's all that has you upset?"
"I'm not upset just.. exited."
"How can you be such a liar. I won't push you Philip but if it keeps bothering please remember I'm head to listen like always."

I hated how he would eat himself up because he thought that was better than expressing himself. We have had multiple conversations on how he needs to be honest and open so I can try my hardest to help me, constant reassuring on how I don't mind him or his emotions and thoughts.

AFTER (mission)

"Hook. Line and fuckin' sinkers! That's what I'm talking about. Shadows. You know I love that shit!" Graves hit the desk, celebrating.

"Comms, get me the general." He looked over at me I nodded in response connecting him on a line with my father.

They had a brief conversation going over the mission and what next.
You had meet the task force 141 and the vaqueros which graves pronounced off.  Him sayings anything in Spanish was hilarious a but also a bit embarrassing but he tried at least.. but still he always did look better with his mouth closed.

(Shortest chapter I have written so far.. Sorry for keeping you guys waiting. I have been real busy with many things but I will try to get more chapters out soon. And this story is near its end. Just wanted to put something out <3 )

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