2 - Dylan

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Gabe brushed back his silky black hair and placed the prisoner onto the ground. The prisoner looked young and weak. He had not much muscle in his arms and legs and had blonde straight hair. He had green eyes and his voice wasn't that deep compared to Gabes.

"So who are you? How old are you? And how did you get into prison?" Gabe asked whilst examining the prisoners orange prison wear.

"I'm Dylan, aged 18 and I became a shoplifting professional..." His voice got more quiet as he spoke, as if he regretted it. Gabe looked at Dylan's leg

"So what caused this?"

"I got it caught in a railing of a staircase," he began "I fell down the stairs with my leg still in there. I can't even feel the pain anymore, it only lasted a couple of minutes. It hurts to try and move though..." A tear ran down his cheek "I'm never going to recover from this fucker of an injury... Neither am ever going to see my family again! The last thing I told my mum was how much I hated her... Fuck my life..." Dylan lied on the floor and looked up at the sky. "These fuckers had to come and wreck it more though didn't they?"

Gabe didn't know what to say, he had never really interacted with anyone that went to the prison. He didn't think this how they all felt. He felt better for letting them go but he couldn't imagine how many of them actually survived once they entered the woods. There was a moment of silence before Gabe spoke.

"We need to get to Wellington to heal you up. Your not going to be able to travel anywhere with a leg like that. Wellington isn't far from here, it's about a mile or two... that way!" He points East ", and it's fine I will carry you." Gabe smiled slightly and held out his arms. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah, sure... Whatever" Dylan replied without properly listening. He sat up, cracked his neck and held out his arms. Gabe then picked him up and slumped him onto his shoulder.

"Let's go!"


After an about 30 minute walk they arrived at the doors of Wellington. On the way they didn't encounter many walkers, which was weird but Gabe and Dylan didn't complain. A middle aged man then walked out of big cargo doors. He was slightly shorter than Gabe and wore a grey jacket. He was quite skinny and had stubble on his face.

"Welcome to Wellington! My name is Turner, I created this small community for people that need to stay safe during this horrible time. If you want to stay here you must be willing to help the community somehow, you could help build the nursery or do the washing or be on lookout. Whatever you do you will get paid, in protection. I will protect you, we protect each other."

"I'm sorry to interrupt your very well put together speech, but we aren't here to live. We just need medical attention for Dylan here and we will be on our way. Is that too much to ask?" He asked unsure "Also my name is Gabe in case you were wondering..."

"I will have to see if Dr Vincent would be willing to help you, he is the doctor figure round here." Turner replied happily, "follow me and I'll take you to him!"

Gabe still had Dylan on his shoulder as he followed Turner through the camp. They discussed what had happened and where he was from before they finally reached the medical centre.

"Wait here, Dr Vincent will be here with you shortly." Turner said as he pointed at the seats and walked off. Gabe put Dylan down on a chair and he heard him heavily breathe because of the pain in his leg. An older man eventually entered the room who had hardly any hair and brown eyes.

"Hey there, I'm Dr Vincent-woah what happened to your leg?" He asked in shock as he saw it was twisted backwards.

"I got it stuck in some railings, then I fell down the stairs..." Dylan said quietly.

"Okay let me check it out." Vincent replied whilst kneeling down and checking it out. "I'm sorry, but if you want me to sort it out I'm going to have to remove it... We have some spare legs that collectors have gone out and found in hospitals, but it's gonna take a week to be usable."

"I will take that offer" Dylan piked up "If it's okay with you?" He asked Gabe.

"I'm fine with that..." Gabe said with a smile "It's my job to put other people's lives in front of my own."


That night Dylan stayed in the medical room and Gabe got a temporary room. It was small but served it's purpose for his protection.

"I feel so alone in this world..." Gabe started "I need someone to love, I've never dated another person. I want to, but I'm too afraid." He curled up in his bed and tried to rest.

He didn't sleep but he was used to it as he never got sleep when working in the prison.


It was morning again and the sun was fresh in the sky. Gabe still had his clothes on so he got out of bed and went outside. It felt like he was actually part of something when he was here, even though it was temporary.

The first thing Gabe did was visit Dylan and his leg had been removed. It was really bloody and dirty so after a short catch up he left to visit Turner. Once he arrived at Turners office a little boy ran out of the office and went outside.

"Bye Josh!" Turner shouted to the boy. "Come in." He then said to you.

"Okay..." Gabe began "I want a temporary job whilst Dylan gets fixed up. To pay for you letting us in and get help." He smiled "I'm willing to go out and collect stuff if you like?"

"I'm happy that your willing to help!" Turner said surprised "Yes, you can start today if you want aswell?" He held out his to shake on it. Gabe shook it and nodded.

"I'm up for that!" Gabe said whilst getting up and leaving his office "I'm happy to help!"

Okay so I've got good plans for this book, I hope you all enjoy reading it! Also be sure to check out DepressedCarrot . She wrote a series called my big brother Luke and it has Wellington and it is the same one that Gabe and Dylan go! So please be sure to check it out :) thanks :P

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