Chapter 10

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"ummm sure just hang on a second" I walked over to the Sephora worker and said "maybe I do have a little stress right now" the worker looked at Jason and then back at me. She grabbed a piece of paper and wrote on it. she gave the paper to me. "Here is a councillor for you, she is really good I went through a tough time she really helped me". I looked at the worker in disbelief. "Okay it's not that bad I don't need this councillor to tell me what to do". "Take the paper trust me she can really help you", the worker said she sounded really serious. "I don't even know you're name how am I suppose to trust you! I said this very loudly. I was completely embarrassed everyone was looking at me. Jason walked over to me. "Is everything alright" he said putting his hand on my shoulder making me tingle. "Yes I'm fine I was just... telling her one of my lines". The worker looked at me smiling "Bravo"she said clapping. She turned around and grabbed another piece of paper. She looked at me and whispered if you can't trust me now than maybe you will soon". After that she went behind her desk and helped another customer. I was confused, I looked at the paper. On the paper was her name , Hannah, and her phone number. I put the paper in my pocket with the other paper she gave me and walked out of the store with Jason.
Jason's POV
I walked out with Sierra, Brandon was out of sight. I looked at sierra and smiled she was just so beautiful."Hey you wanna walk out on the beach?" I said. Sierra looked back at me " I promised to meet Brandon". She stared out into the street. I looked down to see her hand was right beside mine. I carefully slipped my hand into her's. I expected her to let go and tell me to go away but instead she hugged and kissed me we broke out of the kiss. It was the best kiss so far. I looked at my phone it said movie practice was cancelled. "I better get going I said. But thanks for letting me hang out with you for a little bit" I walked away feeling the happiest I ever been maybe Sierra does have feelings for me. My phone buzzed it was from Brandon. My happiness faded away what if Brandon witnessed the whole thing!
Hey guys sorry I haven't wrote in like forever I am just so busy right now hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bye✌

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