Chapter Eighteen

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Jason's POV
I saw as Sierra walked slowly. She has to ruin everything for me , then I realized, what was I getting fired for. I stormed back into the office. As I found Dave he was talking to Shae. Shae had short brown hair and hazel eyes. She was wearing a green sweater with a dinosaur on it. She was wearing pink track pants, with purple and red running shoes. She stared at me while whispering to Brandon who was right beside her "he's the guy who got fired right"?, Brandon nodded his head. Dave walked up to me. Jason I thought I was clear your fired, he said pointing to the door. I'm not leaving Dave until you tell me why I was fired, I said crossing my arms. Dave pulled his phone and showed me the picture of Sierra and I kissing. "A picture is worth a thousand words Jason", Dave said with a smirk. So I still don't understand she kissed me and then I found out she's crazy and only thinks about herself, I said not moving an inch. He put away his phone. Jason did you read that contract you signed when we casted you as Eddie. " I did", I said stubbornly. Well on that contract it says and I quote "Even though there is kissing in the movie there shall not be ANY off screen romance", said Dave telling Brandon and shae to come beside him. "Since you and Sierra broke the rules we will make sure these two will keep the romance for the movie",Dave said with annoyance in his brown eyes. I looked at all three of them with squinty eyes, "what are you going to do Dave take out the kissing scene I don't think the fans will be too happy about that", I said quietly laughing. "Of course not, but they won't actually kiss what they are going do is fake kiss", Dave said rolling eyes. " how are you going fake kiss", I asked giving him a smirk. "Good question, it's really easy though all we have to is both of them lean in like so", Dave said elbowing shae. Shae looked at Brandon and they both leaned in. I could see that Shae was uncomfortable. "Then we put this on Shae", he said tossing her thin realistic looking rubber lips. Shae took the lips and sticked it on her real lips. Dave snaps his fingers. A few seconds later a girl wearing a black dress with long dirty blonde hair came in. She went over to Shae and put makeup on her face. The women stepped back  as she reveals Shae. She looked exactly the same you couldn't even tell the lips were fake, then Brandon kisses her fake lips, he said slowly clapping. He snapped his fingers as a very tall and muscular man with brown hair and wore all black. The man picked me up. Dave laughed and said " I think I have told you enough and uh oh Brad here was just kicking you out because he is our security, come back and you will have a restraining order". Brad opened the door and walked over to the parking lot and dropped me on the cement. He left leaving me on the ground. I thought I was alone until I saw Sierra in the corner of my eye she was standing there looking at me. Her green eyes were filled with worry. "I have nothing to say to you so you should just save your time and leave", I said rolling over to my side, the side where I couldn't see Sierra. "Yeah well I have something to say to you and I am going to tell you rather you are listening or not, she said softly. "I can't believe you did that I don't even know who you are getting me fired like that, okay just because I am no longer beautiful doesn't mean you can treat me like this, she said spitting with anger. I still laid here still, not saying a word. Five minutes later we still haven't said anything. Even though I wasn't facing her I could still feel her presence. I couldn't say anything. I stayed still on the cement. I looked up at the sky it was dark as stars sparkled all across the sky, they sorta reminded me of Riley's eyes. I decided to get up. I got of the ground. I brushed the little rocks of my shirt. It was cold and breezy as I shivered in my white tee-shirt. I tried to leave but I got stopped by Sierra. Jason both of us aren't leaving until you tell me why you betrayed me, she said crossing her arms. Fine, okay you can't just expect me to just forgive you for what you said you broke my heart it's gonna take a long time for forgiveness, I said crossing my arms like Sierra. I was under a lot of stress, what you just did in there was crossing the line I would never have gotten you fired how could you, she said stomping her foot. Guess what, you did get me fired and it wasn't me who showed those photos to Dave okay I did nothing so you have no right to be angry at me, I said stomping my foot like Sierra. Excuse me, I do have every right to be mad at you, you took Dave's side you should of stood up for me except you called me ugly, if I was ugly why did you kiss me, she said moving closer to me. You kissed me, and anyways I am over it and I am over you I have found someone else who is ten times better than you, have fun with Brandon I tried to warn you about him, I said stepping back. Warn me about what you just wanting me to break up with him for you, ha, yeah right keep this girl, if she even exists, but just so you know I won't break up with Brandon because he is so much better than you will ever be. I turned around angrily. Goodbye Sierra, I said walking to my car and driving away.

Sierra's POV
I watched as Jason drove away and here I thought that at one point I loved him. Snap out of it!, I thought. I drove home I opened my door staring at the floor what have I done I thought. I turned on my lights to see both of my parents standing in the kitchen. They were holding a cake in their hands. What's the cake for, why did they come a week early I thought as I smiled and hugged them. They put the cake down on the table. The cake read "Congrats Sierra!" I looked at them confused "umm congrats on what?I said the movie of course.... Oh um what happened sweetie, my mom asked pointing to my face. I was confused until I remembered my acne and my parents didn't get a good look at my pimply face until now. Well I um may have acne I said looking at the cake. Honey you can't star in a movie looking like that, my dad said. Well um I may have gotten fired because if it, I laughed nervously. I looked up at my parents faces they both had disappointment in their eyes. I looked down at the cake. Strawberry shortcake my favourite how about I get some plates, I said trying to smile. My parents still looked like two lost puppies. "Sierra we bought this cake to celebrate you, we came back from our vacation for you and you just ruin everything we just done for you", my father said looking at the cake. My mother let out a soft sniff. I didn't ruin anything on purpose I just have acne I am still the same person, I will find another movie to star in once my face clears up. My mom's IPhone let out a ding. She looked down at her phone and shook her head. I guess we will have to find another agent. At first I was confused but then my mom showed me her phone on the screen was a message from Lola. "Sorry but I can't be Sierra's agent anymore best of luck", I stared at the text message in sorrow. That's okay I said holding back my tears. We will just find another agent there are tons more. My father took his gaze away from the phone on to me. Honey, I wish it was that easy but there will not be any agent that will take you, who is going to put an acne covered girl on t.v, he said. It will clear up don't you guys believe in me I said backing up a little bit. My mom bit her lip as she made sure to not make eye contact. My father stays silent. I see, I am sorry I ruined your vacation okay, I said blinking back my tears. At least I have one person that believes in me, i said. My parents gave me judging looks. Brandon loves me okay and I am going to call him right now. Before I could call Brandon my phone made a ding. I looked at my phone to see a text message from Brandon. I smiled. See mom and dad look he already texted me to make me feel better. I checked the message. "Hey sorry about what happened but don't take this seriously I think we should break up - Brandon". I put my phone on the table and ran up the stairs into my room slamming the door. That's it I have officially lost everything

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2015 ⏰

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