Love and Dread

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The night felt calm and quieter than ever before.

The light glowing from the candle lit the room with a yellowish glaze. A page being brushed to the ground after coming into impact from Muzan's arm as he swiped his brush against the piece of parchment already stock full of kanji.

The quiet peacefulness went bad with the feeling of pain that night.

Logically nothing ever good comes out of quiet, just the growing thoughts of worry and stress hitting Muzan's head harder than a boulder.


It shouldn't be like this. Honestly, he shouldn't be feeling anything but dread. He hasn't for the past... Past what?

Past thousand years?

How many thousands?



However long he had been alive, too long, really, he has been feeling dread.

But, something happened a year or so ago, that had settled on Muzan's mind for quite a while. The fact that he had been feeling happy, and fuzzy around Uppermoon one.

Though it could just be the fact that he was glad to have such a powerful demon under his control, it could be a bit more.

Muzan's mind weighed in on the fact that he might just aswell have feelings for the demon. Intense feelings.

With the power of being demon king he could easily get Uppermoon one to fall in love with Muzan as well, but, Muzan wasn't all that sure that he'd like that.

Not only did the dread dissolve around Uppermoon one, but sympathy rose from the murky depths of Muzan's mind. Sympathy to realise that the demons were alive.

That they were not meant to be used as mindless slaves.

Maybe they were just like him, afraid.


Muzan rest his head in the palms of his hands as he sucked in his breath.

He had read the damn paragraph about the fucking spider lily so many times it gave him a headache. And he shouldn't be having such meaningless pains in his head. He had grown into something so powerful he isn't even sure how the hell he was having one.

How infuriating!

Muzan gritted his teeth and looked back at the book he had been copying notes from, and then back down at the many notes he had written word for word about the same thing for hundreds of years strewn upon the ground.

He sat up, looking at the ceiling, eyelids half lidded.

He felt so sickened, his mind stuck on one topic. Uppermoon one.

Uppermoon one this, Uppermoon one that.

His skin is so smooth, his outfit is so nice, his face is beautiful, his eyes are like little moons, his muscles bulged in the right spots, his waist curved exactly how Muzan liked it. Uppermoon one was Muzan's dream man.


'Fucking shit. What's wrong with me?' Muzan thought.

Twisting the doorknob he went through into the hall of the infinity fortress. Tucked underneath his arm a pile of books.

He couldn't take this any longer. 

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