Sweet like Mochi

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It was like being trapped in a cage, the only thing you could think of is when you'd get out? Would it mean you'd have to die?

That's what Muzan felt, the neverending thoughts that tied his mouth shut. Sweat trickled down his forehead, no matter how hard he tried to talk, nothing would come out.

He thought the words out, "Would you like to take a stroll with me?". No, too boring, they'd just walk and wouldn't talk. "May I spend this evening in your hospitality? Together, just me and you?" No, no, too sharp edged.

God, why were sentenced so hard to form now!? He could speak perfectly with anyone else but him, the one he wanted to talk to all the time. Forever. AND EVER.

And then it hit him like a train.

He didn't have to talk. Muzan would just have to act. But how?

As he was thinking his body moved. It just moved. Muzan wasn't in control, not fully.

Muzan wasn't in control as his hand cupped Upper one's cheek, stroking it gently with his finger.

Muzan wasn't in control when his face went closes to Upper one's now red, handsome, perfect face.

Muzan wasn't in control when his pecked Upper one's lips, soon slipping his tongue into his mouth, a sweet taste, like mochi, filled Muzan's mouth as he licked the inside of Upper one's mouth, the hot and sticky inside just as Muzan had dreamed.

Muzan wasn't in control. If that was what convinced him.

And then his words came together like a puzzle as he pulled his tongue out, ready to say everything.

"I love you. I'm not sure what you feel about me, but, I just needed to tell you." Muzan said.

Like an entire veil had been lifted, the dark dread that Muzan had been feeling for centuries, had turned a peaceful light colour, like the white glow of kosumosu on a summer day.

The feeling was airy, like a dream. The feeling in Muzan's chest that echoed what peace would feel like.

Uppermoon one looked at Muzan, his eyes full of shock in a relieved way.

"Master Muzan-!" Upper one stammered.
"Just Muzan, if you may." Muzan- interrupted.
"I'm not sure how to put this into words, but, may you kiss me again?" The confusion and happiness in his voice made Muzan smile.

For once in his life Muzan smiled a joyous smile.

"If it's what you want, I'll always deliver, darling~" Muzan sweetly giggled. His fangs peeking over his soft lip as he folded his arms around Upper one.

All the thoughts were gone. He could finally be with his beloved.

Upper one's skin felt softer than freshly fallen snow, Muzan rubbed it as he reached his hand up Upper one's kimono.

Muzan found his lips back on his beloveds, his hips bucked onto Upper one's, who let out a purring noise, Muzan found it adorable.

It was a few minutes before they found themselves on the floor, Muzan on-top of Kokushibou.

That name, Kokushibou, so beautiful, but nothing comparing to Kokushibou's darling face, Muzan thought. He ought to use it more.

Kokushibou pressed his face into Muzan's chest, softly kissing it.

Muzan reached towards Kokushibou's hakama pants, slipping it off.

All he could see now was all his fantasies, all his perfect dreams, everything he could ever want.

He reached his hands over it, Kokushibou blushed and hid in Muzan's shoulder as Muzan rubbed it's tip.

His vision faltered as he removed his own garments, the heat between them raging like a forest fire.

Kokushibou then did something Muzan never expected. He tackled Muzan.

And then he was on top. He was going to show the love that he had been hiding aswell. Muzan had shown him his love. He was going to show him his.

He stuck his long fingers into Muzan's mouth, Muzan sucked them, licking it thoroughly with his tongue until it was completely sticky. Kokushibou shivered from excitement.

Muzan felt something hard touch his behind, struggling to find the hole it was meant to go in. Muzan took the hard penis and helped it toward his area.

The pain was softened by the hot sticky feeling. The tip went in first, then the rest in a sudden motion. It made Muzan gag, a low moan coming from his mouth.

All the love~
All the bottled up feelings~
All the heat they had wanted from the other~

They finally got to feel it.

The first thrust was shaky from the amount of shivering. But then the second came, oh god had Muzan wished it had lasted forever, it was hard, deep, and full of the substance that had left Kokushibou's cock.

It had served as a friction maker, even though the rest of the thrusts weren't as hard, they were faster, stickier, and more deliciously pleasing.

The moans were fast, too, except they suddenly were halted by a gag.

It sprayed a little onto each other's stomachs, Kokushibou used the ticklish feeling to make the thrusting more fuller, so everything was covered.

Muzan's legs were in an upwards position against Kokushibou's legs. He got Kokushibou's hips to himself as he got to push it in deeper.

Who needed godly abilities when you had this?

I wrote this in a fucking half hour and my head needs a brain break. Also I was struggling with the smut because I had been writing as fancy as I could the entire time and I had trouble writing stuff like 'cock' in. ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ

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