Gamble with the Devil

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The world felt so different here.

Everything out of Asia was just different. The night was brighter than a thousand lanterns, music played, speakeasies thundered in the streets, mobs were up and down, newspapers were pushed into the hands of whoever was around at the late hour, each page adorning the name 'Al Capone'.

Kokushibou clung to Muzan, arm placed protectively over his chest, trying to walk through the surprisingly busy street. Muzan was walking quite quickly, stumbling over his feet as they hit the cobbles of the paveway.
"Can you believe that? Cobbles?" Muzan asked, speaking as quickly as his steps under his breath, hiding the very boisterous side to him.

They pushed themselves into an hotel, the small building owned by a man with a rather curly mustache. The man gave them a look of utmost disgust, apparently different races weren't much appreciated, well, until Muzan paid with a golden brooch due to his lack of American money, the man stopped his scowl and grinned, leading them upstairs and handing them a bottle of brownish liquid, murmuring a simple whisper of "gold," under his breath, and hurrying away.

After a few moments of silence, they opened the door to their room, which ended with confusion. Strange western furniture.

There was a rather short conversation that followed, and then another moment of confused silence and then the murky brown liquid filled bottle came into light.

Muzan popped the cap off and took a sniff, reverting away and handing it to Kokushibou who took a swig thinking of sake.
"AH-!" Kokushibou wheezed, surprised at the strength of the alcohol, cheeks becoming rosy, staring at Muzan who suddenly became interested.
"Shall I try?" He asked, and took a sip of his own, and then a few more, and then the whole bottle. Muzan spluttered and wobbled over to Kokushibou, who caught Muzan who fell over from drunkenness.

Belts hit the ground with a thud, and then the loud slither of pants falling down to pair with the belts, making a rather smooth silky sound.
"God you have a nice ass."
"You're one to talk." Kokushibou was a little surprised, but his words came out pleasingly, pushing his lips towards Muzan's, kissing them tenderly, biting his fang slightly in it for the blood to be tasted on his tongue, which curled it's way against Muzan's.

Muzan couldn't think straight, well, he's gay, but this a different way of not thinking straight. More scatter-brained, thinking of every little possibility. The twelve and twenty positions, evey little lick, every little push and pull.
Soon Muzan had his mouth on the tip of Kokushibou's penis, licking it lustfully, sending a sudden shiver into Kokushibou.
"Fuck." Kokushibou grabbed onto Muzan's hair, gently pulling as his penis went deeper in, getting covered in drool.

It was liking playing a game of cards with the Devil, he always slips another ace to catch you off-guard. And so was Muzan's trick as he pushed Kokushibou back and pushed himself underneath him, pointing his own member into Kokushibou as he sucked. Kokushibou grabbed the bedsheets now, not wanting to harm Muzan, biting his lip to not wake anyone else in the hotel. Kokushibou pulled out a card like the king of clubs, and pushed Muzan out. It was his turn to win the trick, he placed down an ace of hearts and began pushing in harder.

Who would win this gamble?

All he needed was one more high card, searching his hand desperately for another winning trick.

They both had their minds set on winning.

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