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The feeling was... Unique, a sort of embarrassed feeling. The feeling that he had just admitted something that would worsen his already ruined life.

Why had he said that. It had sounded like he was confessing feelings.

Muzan should be unfazed, yes, even before these feelings had raptured, Muzan had never gotten mad at the upper rank one.

There really just was never a disappointing moment with him. He was everything good.

Muzan flushed, his eyes widening as he inhaled deeply and nearly choked.

Uppermoon one was staring at him confused.

Of course he was. Muzan had never acted like this. His ego was too large for him to mess up.


Mess up.

When last had he thought of those words? Mess up? When his mother hadn't given him a healthy body and he had to go through hell to survive?

Had she messed up?

Yes. He was supposed to be perfect, Muzan is perfect.

But he messed up.

"Upper one, I'm sorry, I'm not myself at all at this moment. Something's clogging up my mind and I'm not fond of it." Muzan uttered hia words as carefully as god playing poker with the devil.

Uppermoon one was the god, Muzan was the devil.

"I see nothing wrong master... I think it's rather cute how flustered you are." Uppermoon one muttered the last part.

It wasn't caught so directly towards Muzan, who had only heard the first part.

Muzan looked at Uppermoon one closely.

Uppermoon one.

What was his name?


Or had it been... No, it was Kokushibou.

Uppermoon one- Kokushibou, was quite a pink colour.

Immediately, Muzan became embarrassed. Uppermoon one was probably wondering what a pitiful creature Muzan was.

He still couldn't read his mind without the focus he needed. Though, he didn't need to read his thoughts to know what he was thinking.

Twilight cracked through the the window where the curtain had not covered.

A soft glow pulled him deeper into his thoughts he was never to escape from.

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