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The pond sparkled as the moonlight hit it, lighting up the waters as a small frog swam across it.

Sitting in eachothers embrace was Muzan and Kokushibou, despite being dangerous, monstrous demons, they looked like peaceful angels.

Muzan stroked Kokushibou's hair through his fingers as he braided it with daisies and white spider lillies he had picked. Humming whilst the long silky hair was in his hands.

Kokushibou was tossing small rocks into the pond, watching them splatter as they hit the water, sinking to the bottom.

It was so peaceful it was as if nothing could ruin it, the calm Summer night and the beautiful starlit sky.

Everything was at its peak, making even the dullest dead leaf glow in it's presence.
Not even a snap of a small twig happened to ruin the beauty.

Muzan got up, looking for where the sound had come from, nearing a thick bush, Kokushibou watched as he crept toward it.

In the bush was a little doe, it's face was calm, white speckles ran across its body as its black nose sniffed at Muzan, who was quite happy at the find, reaching out to pet it.

When he rested his hand against the soft fur of the doe, a sharp clinking sound echoed against Muzan's ears, and then a short stabbing sound.

Startling, he realised that the doe had been impaled by a sword, not any sword, however, a nichirin blade, rested in the doe's chest, blood leaking from it, leaving a stain on the ground.

Muzan's eyes widened, the doe opened its mouth, a short human scream came from it, and all of a sudden, the doe was a demon slayers dying on the ground as they gagged, a sharp wound against their chest, like claw marks.

Looking down at his own hands, Muzan realised that it was his claws, stepping backwards in shock, then watching terrified as the demon slayer molded into a child, small, screaming for help, tears leaking from his eyes.

Mouth agape as he recognized the child, a small boy from the Kamado family he had butchered. Shaking Muzan fell over. This wasn't a work of a demon, no illusion, no nothing.

A cold, deep voice appeared from behind him.
"Why trample over the lives of the innocent? Such disregard for human life. What's so amusing about this? So tell me then, what is the weight of a human life to you? Why do-" As the voice was about to finish the sentence, Muzan turned himself violently around so he could see who it was.

And now he was facing the doe again, standing again, hand on the doe's fur as he pet it. 
"Muzan? Dear, are you alright?" Kokushibou asked, noticing Muzan's fear.

Muzan breathed in deeply, before exhaling. Realising it was all a dream.




"Darling?" Kokushibou asked once more, wrapping his arms around Muzan.
Muzan softened at the touch, looking down as he held Kokushibou's hand, noticing the murky blood still underneath the doe.

I'm back once more! I read the smut chapters to my little brother today and just decided that I was going to write again, even though I'm currently brain dead. ᕙ⁠[⁠・⁠۝・⁠]⁠ᕗ

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