Days Feel Longer

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The hard grip Kokushibou had over his lord was unnatural, he felt as though if he let go, Muzan would simply disappear into nothingness.

His face red with heat, Kokushibou continued the job he had waited so long to do. The thrusting became harder, and harder, and harder, making sure to explore the hole, to fill it.

Muzan let out a shrill moan of pleasure, taken off guard as Kokushibou swirled him around, his dick spinning painfully in Muzan's hole.

Eyes met eachother, one of them shaking with excitement, while the other admired gleefully.
And then the tongues met, hugging one another, as their lips collided, drool pooling down their chins.

The kiss went on for a long time, the moment more precious than any jewel found.

They were each other's diamonds, permanently protected and treated as priceless artifacts for eachother to gawk at, all the while playing with one another.

Muzan's eyes rolled back, the lack of superiority made him dense, usually his malice filled head became a hotspot for happiness.

Kokushibou touched Muzan's chest, using his finger to scan for Muzan's nipples as he continued kissing him.

The minute Kokushibou tightly squeezed the nipples, Muzan broke free from the kiss to gag a moan.

Kokushibou grinned toothily, now taking his free mouth to Muzan's nipple, licking it. Muzan bit his tongue, shivering.

Kokushibou bucked his hips high, and then brought all his might into Muzan.

The sudden pain made Muzan squeal, - Kokushibou found this adorable, shifting his large grin to a kind smile - causing himself to immediately turn red.

Kokushibou brought his head up. "That was the cutest thing ever~!" He snickered.
"Don't tell anyone I did that!" Muzan blushed.
"Like I'd tell anyone, anything to do with me and you is too important to simply give away by word~" Kokushibou beckoned sweetly.

Muzan's head exploded, an entire party starting in his head, getting ready to remember every second of this day from now on, no matter how long time passes.

It didn't even need to do that, Muzan always wrote everything to do with interactions he had with Uppermoon one, even making up fake scenarios with him.

Suddenly the cock was removed, and hands were placed over his own. Muzan moaned through his teeth as Kokushibou started making moves with his hands on Muzan's dick.

After a while, the disgustingly familiar dark in Muzan's eyes came back.


It had been a few days since that morning, Muzan could still remember the exact shade the twilight was, the glow from the sun light that escaped the reaches of the blinds covering the windows.

Everyday had been spent with Kokushibou, and an hour or so working on the spider lily.

Though, Muzan had found out that the days had started seeming longer the more he was with Kokushibou.

As though his life simply passed before that, but now, he had something, a meaning, for each day to be spent.

That life isn't written in words, it's real. It's something you live through your eyes, your head, and mostly your thoughts.

Everything is different everyone, and you can't see it through their eyes, so you have to use your own.

Even if you can't see, the thoughts are still there.

You can't live life through a book, through knowledge, you have to experience it.

That's what Muzan learned in his time with Kokushibou.

God he loved it so much.

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