A Word like a Storm

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The sea and the sky were painted as if they were the same, Muzan imagined turtles and fishes swimming in the sky as he stared at the painting infront of him.

Kokushibou was fitting himself into western clothing; although, he was so big, that most of the buttons had popped off and they had to get it tailored by a professional - "Barely call him a man, a beast would be more fitting." The tailor had spoken after checking the measurements.

The smell of thick salt was heavy in the air, and was unfamiliar for the pair of demons, both disguised as humans. Muzan stood promptly in an art gallery, a black umbrella overtop him. Despite his best efforts, Muzan always looked fit for a funeral.

The painting infront of him was beautifully painted, the brush strokes barely being seen, almost hyper realistic, although, the artist had put in more imagination into the scenery than anything.
The painting showed a vast sea, a ship, masts high, a red flag bolded, snake eyed pirates decorated along the ship.

The captain of the ship, holding thread as red as the flag in his hand, in the other, a bloody needle, infront of the Captain, a captor, mouth dribbling with blood, and the read thread lining his lips. Shutting them, permanently.

There were many animals aboard, foxes, a dead whale, a turtle, a tortoise, a hare, and a chicken. Seemingly being there for no other purpose but for decoration on-top the ship.

Muzan was interrupted from thought when a sudden hand tapped his shoulder. The touch gentle, but rough. Kokushibou.

"It's like hakama pants."
Kokushibou said, his tone quiet.
Most people looked at the giant of a man Kokushibou was, shocked expressions on their faces.

Kokushibou was dressed in his own suit, the cuffs, velvet. The remark had come from the confusion Kokushibou had over the clothing.
"I think you look lovely, darling."
Muzan said, a hand reaching towards the cheek of the handsome man infront of him.

Someone suddenly yelled out.
The room went silent. Muzan retracted his hand, remembering the fact that the same sex weren't allowed to share feelings. Not during the Taisho period.

Muzan glared at the now identified man who yelled out the word. Kokushibou seemed neutral, but Muzan noticed that he kept repeating words of comfort in his head, including; Picnic, sunny, starry, and lilac.

There was a sudden loud whisper in a foreign language, and then a painting falling on the carpeted floor. Muzan took Kokushibou's hand and quickly walked out of the building.

The stone building was western, and had a pedestal with the bible on it outside, a few statues of people surrounding it, praying to it.
Muzan noted to tell Douma, who was a geek when it came to Catholic study.

Although, there were greater things to think of now. Muzan sat Kokushibou on a bench, adjusting the umbrella to shade them from the sun. He stroked Kokushibous hair, arm wrapped around his waist.

They were currently in a coastal town, waiting for the ship that took them to Washington. The smell of salt was now making Muzan irritated, making him huddle closer to Kokushibou.

"I'd bend the ends of Earth to keep you as my love."
Muzan said, trying to keep Kokushibou high headed, who seemed rather uncomfortable at the comment of the man.
"Your gender not sex matters, you're perfect."


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