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Muzan walked down the narrow hallways of the infinity fortress, asking Nakime to teleport him was currently lost in his thoughts. Clouding up his mind was Uppermoon one. 

Drowning in a sea of never ending thoughts, Muzan shattered like glass to hammer under the near idea that he was in love with him.

How? Could he have been so proud of his creation that this everlasting lust grew inside of him? Or was it the fact that the Uppermoon was just so perfect in every way that Muzan couldn't resist?

Whatever the reason, nothing could stop this love. Nothing. Not even time stampeding the world to it's inevitable end could stop it.

Muzan felt love. Love like never before.

He needed Uppermoon one, more than power, more than anything.

More than his own life.


'Maybe I'm such a perfect lifeform that I have to share it with lowly lifeforms to make it fair.' Muzan thought.

His footsteps echoed as the expensive shoes hit the floor. His pale face showing blush flushed on his cheeks, giving the illusion of living.

His eyes were staring promptly at the floor as he opened the door leading to the usual meeting area of the Twelve Kizuki.

Quiet. It shouldn't fill ears.

The deep gasp of Lowermoon four interrupted the silence. She immediately lowered head and bowed.

"S-sorry Master, I wasn't aware you'd come here." She stuttered, her eyes bulging and body shaking viciously. 

Sweat dripped down her smooth white cheek as Lowermoon four bit her tongue to stop from sobbing.

'Pathetic creature.' Muzan thought, looking at the terrified girl infront of him.

He continued to walk, unsatisfied at the fact Uppermoon one wasn't there.

Out of the fangs of anger biting down at him, he kicked Lowermoon four, leaving most of her insides on the wall and floor.


It had been too long. An hour or so of searching through the infinity fortress had left the demon king with no other choice than to use his hive mind over Uppermoon one to search for him.

Why he hadn't thought of this originally dawned upon him, he had not been really thinking about anything other than Uppermoon one.

It was a point of obsession. Considered an 'unhealthy' obsession, to humans atleast.

'Damn it.' Muzan shouted in his mind. He was so unfocused he couldn't connect with Uppermoon one.

Muzan's head was throbbing, he was trying so hard it hurt. But nothing other than Uppermoon ones petite body and handsome face came to mind, not the thoughts or tracking abilities Muzan would usually use.

He slapped his hand to his head, his breaths getting more shallow as his pale face was decorated red.

Pain. It hurt. He couldn't think.



A humming noise, a beautiful melody was what Muzan was met with as his eyes slowly opened.

The room Muzan was in was easily recognised, Uppermoon one's small house.

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