Regret and Guilt

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Muzan stared at the blood beneath the doe, the grim red colour practically mocking him as he stared at it, biting his lip in fear.

"Kokushibou." Muzan said his loved one's name in such a low tone, it made him shiver. This caught Kokushibou's attention, who looked at where Muzan was looking.
"Muzan, dear, is something wrong?"

Despite hearing Kokushibou's voice, Muzan continued to tremble. That feeling was unbearable, it felt like his sins were crawling on his back, biting and ripping at his flesh.

Kokushibou's voice became louder as he tried to snap Muzan out of it, holding his partner around the waist, kissing him on the forehead, trying to figure out what was causing Muzan to be in such a state of shock.


Muzan had everything.

Muzan could live for hundreds of years, kill hundreds of thousands of people, regenerate, never age, be a perfect being with no flaws.

Yet, that wasn't right.

Nothing about this was right.

Sure he could do all those things, but he wasn't perfect, was he?

Was he really as perfect as he thought? It felt like for every positive thing about him came a negative.

Why should he flaunt all this power, if he could not walk in the sun. If only he didn't turn into a demon, or kill that doctor-

No. He couldn't walk in the sun in the first place. He could never enjoy the simple activities he dreamed of, but he could never do.

Why did the world hate him so much?

He should have died.

He deserved nothing.

That man, Yoriichi, did nothing but prove that right. A man sent from the gods to kill him, and his brother, Kokushibou.

He was seeing the man who's brother nearly killed him, how utterly...

"Muzan!? MUZAN!?"



"Muzan! This is the second time you've spaced out, are you alright? Did something happen?"
Kokushibou's voice came out stressed, he was breathing heavily, face contorted into fear.

Muzan snapped out of it, staring at Kokushibou, tears in his eyes. Muzan kissed him, resting his head in Kokushibou's chest.

"Kokushibou, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault you had to off your brother."
Muzan apologized, over and over and over.
He never thought he could feel so devastated.

Kokushibou's face went pale. Well, paler than it already is. He stared at Muzan, eyes wide. "Why are you... Muzan... What happened?"

"Everything. Everything is my fault."

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