Cat got your tongue

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Muzan felt one word. Low. Really low, to have passed out.

His head quickly shot up from the pillow he layed his head on and his head ricochet off of something warm.

"Ugh..." Muzan sourly grunted and looked up.

Oh shit.

Facing him, was the fair face of Uppermoon one, holding a bowl full of thick murky blood.

Muzan turned redder than embers straight from the spitting fireplace in the room, and looked away in embarrassment.

Uppermoon one looked at him in confusion. "Are you okay? You passed out yesterday, what happened?" He asked.

Muzan was in awe, this perfect godly creature was asking a demon Lord like himself- wait what.

What was going on. What was he thinking?! His head aches more and more. He was the perfect godly creature, Muzan was the one everyone in the world had died for.

Why did his thoughts suddenly change so rapidly?

The more he stared at Uppermoon one the more he wanted to embrace the taller demon infront of him, hold him, cry into him, grieve with him, feel with him, touch, kiss, lick his tongue into his pearly white tooth lined mouth.

"Master? I'm getting rather worried."
His thoughts broke, ushering him into silence.

He tried to speak, opening his mouth to show his sharp fangs but immediately shutting it again. A feeling in his gut that he shouldn't speak.

Because then he wouldn't hear that beautiful voice of Uppermoon one speak up again-
Muzan but down hard onto his tongue.

Blood leaked from Muzan's mouth, causing Uppermoon one to wince, slipping a kerchief from his sleeve and wiping it off Muzan's face.

Flustered at the sudden touch, Muzan looked deeply into Uppermoon one's eyes.

Uppermoon one turned a maroon colour. Embarrassed, he quickly shoved the dirtied kerchief back into his sleeve.

"Sorry master, I should have asked." Uppermoon one muttered.
"It's fine." Muzan said in a strange tone, it sounded like a mix between irritation and happiness.

He had said something!

Uppermoon one sighed in relief.
"Phew, you spoke, I was wondering if the cat got your tongue or you were angry at me." Uppermoon one smiled slightly.

Realising that he had just spoken so casually to his master he immediately started scolding himself.

Muzan looked away, closing his eyes.
He sucked his breath in, out.

"You never fail me Uppermoon one, I'd never get mad at you."

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