The Voice of the Wind

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The night sky was slowly growing a tinge of an orange, morning was slowly coming, and yet, the two demons stood dormant in eachother embrace.

Tears rolled down Muzan's cheeks, they were hot, heavy tears, rivaling the delicate, cold skin on his face.
Crying, something the king of demons hadn't done since he was a child, perhaps he cried to his mother for sweets, as most children did.
However, he could not remember.

Remembering was difficult for him, the only memories that nested in his head were important ones. They flew through his mind like a wind, whispering to him.

The voice of the wind was a soft, weak voice.
One of a sickly man, someone who knew they hadn't long to live. That voice that spoke to him through the wind was his own. It was his human voice, his piece of sanity and forgiveness that stuck to him.

Muzan's voice cracked as he spoke, a strange tone to it. Kokushibou hushed him, stroking his fingers gently through Muzan's hair.
"Calm down, it's alright, I understand."

Sunlight started poking through the dark, a small patch on Muzan's neck started burning, crumbling, but no movement was made.

The only noise heard was the deer walking away, and Muzan's soft sniffles.
Kokushibou's fingers moved through Muzan's hair, the well-kept black hair against the bumpy, rough skin of Kokushibou's fingers was comforting, and the sniffles and cries eventually stopped.

Muzan slowly shifted his hand against Kokushibou's hand, holding it. The touch was firm, yet gentle, and he was slowly guided away from the sunlight.

Silence was interrupted by a few calm words.
"One day, we'll have a picnic in the sun, with a few marechi, and an embroidered picnic blanket."
Kokushibou's words were sugar coated, like flap-jacks smothered in jam and butter.

They sat down in a dark area, trees shadowing a small patch of flowery meadow, a small Buddah statue sitting by some rocks next to a stream. Petals fell from flowering trees and into the small stream.

"Kokushibou, dear, I promise. I promise we'll have that picnic. No matter what it takes."
Muzan smiled, fangs slightly poking over his pink lip, his eyes shut as he laid into Kokushibou, imagining them together.

Cherry blossom petals falling gently through the air, the breeze slightly blowing some away. The sweet chuckle from Kokushibou as he brushed away a petal that had fallen in Muzan's hair, colliding with the slick black hair. A soft kiss as they stared upwards at the pinkish skies.


There was a warm feeling in Muzan's chest as he hummed, staring at the pages containing
information about the picnic flower. After the words Kokushibou had spoken about a picnic, Muzan had started calling the blue spider lily the 'picnic flower'.

He pressed his elbow against the desk, removing his gaze from the pages, now staring at the ceiling.

This sudden spot of happiness and love was interrupted by someone humming back the tune. It wasn't Kokushibou. Muzan stared at the door as it slowly creaked open, a pale hand, fingernails that had a blue tinge to them, as if someone had painted them with the icy tears of winter, peeked out for a few seconds before this person entered, still humming.

Holding a stack of thick books, each one a pale red colour, with a golden yellow binding.
"Muzan-sama, pardon me for interrupting such melodious humming, aswell as your time. I have information that may spark your liking. It's about the blue spider lily."

Muzan froze, his eyes set on the books rather than Douma himself. There were atleast six books, not properly secured in the arms of the ice demon, so two of them were slightly hanging open.
They seemed to each be the same book, yet in different script. The two hanging open appeared to be in Afrikaans and French.

"I asked one of the botanists at my temple if they knew anything about the blue spider lily, she gave me a book on flowers, and I happened to find a possible location. I then bought one in six different languages to try and see if the translations had any differences."

Douma secured the books on Muzan's desk, hesitating before brushing a roll of paper to the side, wondering if allowed to do so. Muzan made a small noise as if he was holding back a sneeze. His eyes still set on the books. Muzan's hand wandered towards the top book, pulling it open and resting his hand on the first page.

This certain one was in German, the glossary containing random flowers, a horrible mess of uncleaned, unorganized jumble of words.
It took half the hourglass Muzan had set up for how long he'd keep his patience with Douma, for him to find the page containing the blue spider lily.

Spending so much time with Kokushibou had left Muzan in such a happy mood, that Muzan found himself smiling often. If wasn't usual for him to smile, usually it was acting for his disguise among humans, or simply out of excitement, as for each time he got closer to finding the blue spider lily, or picnic flower.

Muzan smiled infront of Douma when he saw a map with marks for where the blue spider lily was spotted. They were each different coloured, which was why the books looked so expensive. Printing colours wasn't quite a thing possible in such a time, so each book was individually marked in colour by hand.

A red mark meant that the flower spotted there was long gone, or possibly a trick of the eye, whilst blue meant that the flower had been found in a large patch and was quite common in the area.

That's when Muzan saw it, the map didn't contain Asia. Muzan would have to leave Japan to find this precious picnic flower.

Fina-fucking-ly! I have wifi and am able to post this thing! Sorry for the long wait.

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