003. 𝙚𝙮𝙚 𝙤𝙣 𝙮𝙤𝙪

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It had been an ongoing line of "ow"s and "okay!"s but not matter how hard Neteyam tried some certain gestures just didn't stick with him.

Oel ngati kameie

Ilyana signed again. It was an easy gesture though the way he had been doing it, it appeared he said something rude.

"You are very difficult to teach."

She had come up with many insults that clearly unfazed the boy as he still sat opposite her copying her hand movements.

"I'm sorry."

He laughed, but regretted it immediately after when she glared at him. The boy quickly signed to her,


And she couldn't help but smile.


Ilyana had quickly grew bored of teaching the boy and went off to attend to her other duties, one being taking care of the younger Na'vi.

"Let me come with you."

He ran along the walkway in attempt to catch up with the female Na'vi who walked at a rather hasty pace.

"Hey hey hey slow down."

His ears twitch and he laughed as he tried to walk along side her.

"You walk very fast."

"You walk very slow."

She stopped and allowed him to catch up before walking again. He took the basket she held in her arms and offered to carry it for her.

She must stay focused. They shortly arrived at the marui where all the children were kept, Tsahìk was there too.

"Look Yana is now here."

The children immediately stopped pestering at Ronal and went up to Ilyana who had come with Neteyam.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

A young girl named Ayá asked as she tugged at his tail.

"No I'm her boyfriend."

Another boy spoke up. She looked down onto the children and simply shook her head, to Neteyam's dismay.

"He is a baby."

She teased as she looked backwards at him. No matter how much he wanted to tease her back, he couldn't find a single flaw.

They spent a majority of their day taking care of the young Na'vi before it grew dark and they should go back for dinner time. They frequently ate dinner at eclipse but Neteyam and Silani got to everyone a bit later than expected.

They sat down in the designated seats and hadn't said a word, not waiting for a punishment from their parents.

"What were you doing?"

Turok Makto hissed at his son.

"Your meant to be the responsible one."

He whined, side-glancing the youngest son who sat next to him. Jake proceeded to go on and lecture the boy about the importance of being to dinner on time.

On the other hand Tonowari had zero remorse for his daughter as he humiliated her in front of the many people who sat around them.

She sorrowfully stood opposite her father who had began pointing at her.

"You know your duties!"

He shook his head at his eldest daughter, visually disappointed in her.

"You have greatly disappointed me Ilyana."

He rarely used his daughters full name, normally calling her Yana. But in this case she had understood the consequences of her actions and looked down at the sand beneath them.

Neteyam stood up and walked over to the cheif's family after hearing how Tonowari scolded at her.

"It was not her fault."

He spread his arms out as if to show he was coming in peace. She tried to stop him but her attempt failed.

"Who's fault is this then?"

Neteyam soon regretted his desicion to stand up and defend the girl but continued.

"I occupied her. If she hadn't stayed with me, she would have made it here on time."

This, was not entirely the truth. They had only been late as he made it difficult for her to tidy up the mess they had created in the marui with the children.

"Thank you for your honesty."

Neteyam waited for what was coming next, what punishment Tonowari would come up with.

"You may go."

All children's eyes widened as they sat around. Ao'nung, especially was expecting to laugh at the punishment but instead his mouth gaped open as she watch Neteyam walk away. In one piece.

*ೃ༄AUTHORS NOTE; alot of updates for you:)
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