016 | Silence is my Wish

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A few days had passed since the peculiar meeting between the girl from Gavaldon and Lady Lesso, and it seemed like it had never happened.

That night, Y/N had fallen asleep in her uncomfortable stance after being alone for what felt like hours, only to wake up back in her bed. The only oddity of the situation was her hair: shiny, long, healthy, and smelling like chestnut.

It took a while for her to notice; to be exact, it took someone else to notice. Y/N hated to look in the mirror, so she often refrained from doing so, and the texture of her hair was something she had grown to ignore, so any change she couldn't have seen or felt.

The moment she was ready to leave for breakfast, all her roommates blocked her from the door to take a look at her hair. They were all amazed by the change it made and how beautiful the girl actually looked with her hair healthy. Hester even pointed out that by looking like that, she could fit right in with the Princesses of the School for Good.

Hester, Anadil, and Dot were, unsurprisingly, not the only ones to have noticed the drastic change. When the girl walked in, the entire school looked up in surprise; only used to a bird's nest full of mould, dirt, and discolouration, Beatrix seemed so surprised that she refrained from bothering the girl for a day.

Tons of classmates had run up to her to compliment her on her new hair, to feel the silk run through their fingers, and to ask about how the girl had fixed her hair in only one night. As all these questions and compliments were thrown at her, she looked at the Dean for a short while, only to notice a stoic expression looking back. For some reason, it looked like the redhead gave a small nod too before she took her eyes off of the scene to continue eating breakfast. Y/N knew deep down that it was her who had fixed her hair and brought her back to her room; after all, only Lady Lesso knew the reason why she was wandering outside in the first place.

She was thankful and therefore decided that if the dean wanted to keep it quiet, she would respect her wish and keep it as such. Therefore, when given the question of how she fixed her hair, she simply told them she had found a spell in the library and tried it, which had been successful. She was thankful for the fact that this simple lie was enough to please the students and classmates around her.

Following that, she continued to receive compliments; it appeared that the change in hair had not only changed the obvious but had also given the girl confidence and comfort. She didn't get distracted by her hair anymore, and no negative comments were made about it anymore. Classmates didn't put food or gum in her hair anymore, and it seemed like she had gained respect from everyone around her for having fixed such an issue with magic herself.

She was frequently afraid that people would figure out the little lie she had told, but the only person who knew she was lying was the one who wanted to keep the truth silent herself. Above all else, the Dean of Evil didn't feel like gossiping with her students; casually speaking was often out of the question already.

After the embarrassing incident in the Doom Room, neither of them spoke; only a few glances were exchanged, and most of those were ignored by the Dean herself. Y/N wondered if she had ruined everything when it came to having a respectable relationship with her counsellor, but then again, the dean was the one to have started the whole thing. Maybe she regretted what she had done; maybe she felt disgusted with herself for having gone with such a punishment instead of a normal one. The girl didn't know, but the girl couldn't keep her worries out of her head.

The redhead had noticed the confused looks Y/N gave herself whenever she refrained from having eye contact with her. It wasn't that she wanted to; it was to keep the girl and her mind quiet. She didn't want anyone to know about the punishment Y/N had gotten, and by acting like it was nothing, she believed she could convince the girl of the same.

It was a shame for the woman it turned out to be. No matter how many days passed, the girl kept trying to gain contact, and the constant silence she got in return only got her more and more worried as time passed. Even though the girl was able to sleep again because her biggest issue had been solved, a new issue seemed to have occurred because now she couldn't sleep because of the silent treatment Lady Lesso had started to give her.

The only thing Y/N was able to do was twist and turn in her bed as her thoughts went wild in the quiet environment late at night. In fact, the girl was so sleep-deprived that she didn't seem to know the difference between reality and imagination anymore. She often found her mind wandering around the corridors of the castle late at night, ending up in front of the dean's quarters.

It didn't come as a surprise when one night it wasn't just her imagination that had wandered along with her questions; one night she had brought her body with her as well. She didn't do much after; she simply stood in front of Lady Lesso's bedroom door and found herself staring at it for what seemed like ages. It took a while for her to realise what she was doing and to conclude that her brain was mush and that she was possibly turning mad.

She quickly turned around to run back to her room, taking a shower before trying to sleep for around half an hour, since that seemed to be the most she could get out of a night lately.

What she hadn't noticed because of her foggy brain was the fact that she had broken a vase with her blanket as she turned around to leave, having let the particular redhead wake up and look outside to see a glimpse of the girl before turning around the corner out of sight.

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