017 | Uninvited

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The girl sighed as she tried to push the tiredness out of her face as she looked in the mirror. She'd become officially obsessed with her counsellor, and she didn't know what to do with herself.

Was this inappropriate? Did Lady Lesso help her subconscious get like that? Was it done on purpose for her amusement? Or was she just a love-sick puppy who fell for the first person who did the bare minimum by preventing her death? She didn't know, and to be honest, she didn't know if she actually wanted to find the answer in the end.

She didn't know what she wanted to hear, so it seemed best to simply not hear anything and hopefully get a hold of her mind that had gone wild over time.

The girl from Gavaldon had decided that taking a shower before going back to bed again would be the best idea. After all, once thoughts were washed away, there was nothing to worry about anymore. So she took off her clothing as she put on the shower, waiting for the water that came down to turn warm.

At the same time, the woman she worried about was changing her clothing. Lady Lesso had seen the girl run back to her dorm after having stood in front of her quarters. The woman was changing back into her normal attire to talk to the girl. After all, she walked up to her room, clearly for something.

Lady Lesso was worried about the girl; she knew about her troubles with sleeping but thought it had gone well for a while. The woman knew the girl needed to be able to talk about what happened that night in the Doom Room, but she also knew she wasn't very fond of the idea of talking about it herself.

To be honest, she didn't know why she did it. She didn't know why, after having saved the girl, she kept coming into her business to help her figure out her special talent. She didn't know why she constantly kept teasing the girl, nor did she understand why she actually enjoyed seeing the girl's face flush with embarrassment because of something she did to her.

She didn't understand, and she hated it.

At first, the girl was a simple reminder of her life before she attended the School for Evil; it was a part of her life that she had mostly forgotten, and remembering it by seeing someone like her in front of her was something big to take in.

After that, she seemed to constantly need to look out for her since she got herself into more trouble than anyone would've wished. And throughout the constant watch, it seemed to have created something more than just simple care. It appeared to have created a desire to be close to her, to have control over her while still allowing her to live her own life.

Often when trying to sleep, the dean wouldn't be able to keep the girl out of her head, just like the girl couldn't get Lady Lesso out of her head either, but she didn't know; she wished and hoped that was the case.

The redhead didn't want the girl to have trouble sleeping, but thinking about being the cause of her restless nights seemed to be something she enjoyed thinking about. Although she did know it would be better to have great nights of sleep, having a nervous effect on the girl was something she loved to see.

As far as she knew, the girl from Gavaldon indeed had a crush on her, but she also knew that there was the possibility of her mind making her believe such things.

Either way, it didn't matter how she felt. She knew her student clearly wanted to ask her for something yet was too afraid to do so, possibly because of how late at night it was. Normally, she wouldn't have followed her student, but this was Y/N, and Y/N was known for getting herself into odd and dangerous situations. It seemed to be the safest option to go to her and ask her what was going on herself. For all the dean knew, she could've broken her arm by doing something stupid and chaotic again.

Y/N loved the showers in her residency; they were gigantic and could get really hot. It was a calming experience, especially in the middle of the night. No one could bother her, and she could take as long as she wished.

Well, that was what she thought. As the girl hummed to herself, an unknown figure opened the door to the bathrooms and stepped in. ''Hello..?'' The girl asked after realising the unknown visitor wouldn't talk, but surprisingly, there was nothing. "Is there someone here?" she asked again as she put off the water stream.

Only then was she able to hear some shuffling around. At first, she assumed it might've been Anadil; after all, she had a habit of waking up in the middle of the night and washing her face before starting to sleep again. But she quickly realised it couldn't have been her dormmate, as she would've said something the moment she spoke her name.

Suddenly the shower curtain that separated the two bodies was pushed to the side, and Y/N was pushed up against the wall from shock. "L- Lady Lesso? What are you doing here?" The student stuttered as she grew self-conscious of her body and tried to hide it while looking up at the dean in shock.

"I saw you in front of my office." The woman spoke stoically as she kept looking into the girl's eye, avoiding letting her eyes roam around. "That- I changed my mind and left." ''And I decided you weren't allowed to change your mind.''

Both women didn't say anything for a while, both wondering how and why they got themselves into this situation. And after a while, it seemed like the redhead turned around to leave, not knowing why she did something so careless and dumb.

Y/N had no clue what was going on, but she did know she oddly liked Lady Lesso's presence, a way she might not want to accept herself. It seemed like after days of wishing to talk to her, this was the only possible way to finally have the conversation she wanted to have. It was the only time in her life she could figure out what exactly was going on between the two, and if she let the woman walk away, all that possible clarity could be snatched away from her, forever.

''Lady Lesso, wait.'' She spoke out without breathing, too nervous to think of such a thing. The dean looked back at the girl, waiting for her to explain her reasoning for stopping her in her ways.

''Lady Lesso, I wish for you to not kiss me right now.''

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