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Soft Kisses By The Beach by bumblinbumblvee on ao3 and tumblr

ʚ ✦ ♥︎ ∞ ☾ ɞ

"let me kiss you, yeah?"

"k-kiss me?" neteyam's ears perked up by your words. his golden eyes on yours, filled with interest as if it was going to be his first ever kiss.

"yeah" you giggle, before leaning in to plant a soft kiss on his nose.

"o-oh... yeah su-sure"

poor baby. he's not used to receive such romantic interaction, so when you drag your lips all over his face; his whole body stiffens. wide eyes fixed on the sea behind you. not in an awkward way, but he looks like a lost puppy. who couldn't process what was happening.

usually, neteyam is the one teasing you. now look at him, helplessly sitting on the sand with you holding the upper hand. he could only grip on your arm and hip, as his entire body fails to move.

then you cup his jaw, angling his face to press feather-light kisses on his cheeks. your gentle act makes his already flustered face warming up even more, if that was even possible.

a gentle tap on your thigh makes you pull back.

"hmm? what is it, teyam?"

your question was soon answered by his hand the back of your neck, pressing his forehead on yours. you look at the sight of his closed eyes and furrowed brows, his heavy breathing fanned over your lips; as if he was embarrassed. such a simple act, yet it makes your face burn.

then his lips meet yours.

it doesn't take long for you to melt into the kiss. it was tender, soft. his lips moving on yours ever so gently. he treats you with the most care as if you were made from porcelain. you let out a soft, content sigh as you wrap your arms around his neck. his other hand sneaked up to you, holding your jaw to press you two closer. you two were just swimming before, so its only natural for his chapped lips to taste like the sea.

he was the one to pull away, yet you found yourself chasing back his lips. neteyam broke apart from the quick kiss with a chuckle. now that he got the upper hand, it makes your cheeks burn red from embarrassment. you smack his arm lightly and looks away.

"sorry, you were so adorable" he laughs even more, holding one of your hands and brings it to his lips. kissing it gently. you finally look back into his eyes, your cheeks still flushed.

he brings his face closer to you as he whispers;

"oel ngati kameie"

I see you.

ʚ ✦ ♥︎ ∞ ☾ ɞ

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