016 (2)

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Tiny hands (II) by mae-is-crazy on tumblr

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Despite hating every second of it, Neteyam never left Y/N's side.

For three years, he watched Y/N slowly deteriorate in front of him. Her H/C locks were thinner than before and her once wide and sparkling eyes were now sunken in and tired. The testing had taken a tole on the young human girl's already fragile body; there were so many needles involved that it made Neteyam was to stop the whole thing more than once.

"Hold my hand, Y/N. Squeeze it as hard as you can," He encouraged her, brushing his thumb over her knuckles. Neteyam tried his hardest to focus on her strong grip or concentrate on her breathing and not the terrifyingly long syringe digging into his lover's spine.
This was one of the more intense tests they'd run. Norm said it was an unfortunate necessity in the early stages of constructing her Avatar body, since there weren't the usual resources like back on Earth. The bone marrow extractions were the most excruciating, both for Y/N and Neteyam.
Y/N heaved for air as she laid on her stomach, keeping her head buried in her arm as she trembled in pain. She didn't dare cry out in front of Neteyam, hoping to prove to him that she was strong enough. If she could get through this, surely she could make it through the body transformation.
"You're doing so good, just hold on. Almost done," Neteyam continued to reassure her, placing his free hand on her head to pet the lose, now slightly sweaty braids he'd made for her earlier that morning.
This had been going on for a little over three years now. The Sully children found out a long time ago about the procedure Y/N was planning on, and they were there every step of the way. Since she was too weak to make her usual trips to the Pandorian forest, each of the Sully kids made sure to bring a little bit of home to the girl in hopes of keeping her spirits up. Tuk was such a kind soul, bringing an aromatic flower to brighten the dimly lit lab. Kiri kept Y/N up to date on all of the news of the Omaticayan people, also being sure to bring some home-made removed to help her with joint sourness or her now frequent migraines. Y/N and Lo'ak had made it a daily ritual to do a puzzle whenever he came over (there was only one, but they added a challenge each time, such as flipping over the pieces or not using the picture for help). Spider tried to act like nothing was happening, internally disappointed that she'd been approached about receiving an Avatar body before him, but wouldn't show it.

Even Jake would come once in a blue moon, asking Norm and Max about the progress on the girl's Avatar body. He would spare her the odd nod or wave here and there, but only because he couldn't look at the sickly little girl. He couldn't bear to face her skeletal figure. Whenever she was walking over to him, his eldest son was always close behind with an arm out in case she was to stumble. Jake couldn't help but feel somewhat responsible he was the one that encouraged Neteyam to let her do this, after all.

One night, Y/N woke Netyeam up, tapping his arm that was tucked securely around her body. He watched her sit up with a confused and slightly concerned frown as she scooted to the edge of their now shared bed. Neteyam had been coming over every single night. Much to his surprise, his dad never said anything about, either because he didn't know, or he just didn't care.

The two walked barefoot to a dark room across the laboratory. Max told the two the room was strictly off limits. Neteyam chuckled lightly as he let Y/N drag her into the room. Her fingers wrapped around his, much bonier and jagged then just a few years ago. It was almost like he was holding someone else's hands.

The two made their way past Dr. Augustine's amino tank and to a brand new one. Inside was someone Neteyam couldn't recognize. Her short, jet-black hair was floating in a wide spread in the light blue suspension fluid around her, her fingers twitching every so often. Her eyelids were shut tight, and as Neteyam studied the girl's face closer, his heart began to studder.

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