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Sex Ed Class. by bumblinbumblvee on tumblr

ʚ ♥︎ ɞ

(a reminder that in my hc, navi woman doesnt menstruate)

"so, your... thing bleeds every month?"

you nod

"are you stupid?

"i'm sorry?"

ao'nung clicks his tongue, looking at you with disbelieve. "that means you're doing something, only Eywa knows what, to yourself. and you're doing it so badly that it bleeds-"

you hit him on the head, "no! what are you even thinking?"

"no, but seriously" neteyam looks at you with concern, "forgive me for watching you, but this morning i saw you wash your blanket that's literally soaked with blood"

your face starts to heat up, "that means the cloth i use wasn't enough-"

"3 pieces of cloth to soak your blood. and it wasn't even enough?" tsireya's voice filled with worry, "are you sure you're okay? we could ask my mother to patch you up"

"reya, im fine-"

"no you're not! you came to her for painkillers, this morning. to mend your stomach cramps!"

"its probably tape worms"

"no shit", rotxo snickers

"or just a real bad constipation"

"rotxo, ao'nung please" kiri rolls her eyes, tired of their stupidity. "they clearly said that the bleeding comes from their other below"

not long after lo'ak snaps his head towards you, mouth agape. "holy shit. i think i know what's going on" then he quickly moves closer to you. his face just a few inches from yours, his terrified look terrifies you

"my mother experienced the same things as you, when we were about to have tuk. stomach hurting, below bleeding-"

"no. fucking. way" rotxo clasps his mouth, "are you about to give birth?"


ao'nung's jaw dropped. "who knocked you up?"

"that's it i'm taking you to the tsahik"


your friends went quiet.

they could only stare at your flushed face as your breathing went erratic. you gulp, trying to calm yourself down. you close your eyes, inhaling a good amount of oxygent to fill your lungs and letting your mind go blank. then, you could open your mouth again

"as you all know, female bodies bear children in their uterus, yes?"

they all nod

"good. now the uterus, in human bodies specifically, would prepare for pregnancy every month-"

"so you need to get pregnant every month?"

"shut up rotxo"

"wait a minute" kiri cuts you off, "you're not pregnant, but you're currently bleeding. so the bleeding occurs when the pregnancy doesn't happen?"

"yup. because i'm not pregnant, my womb's lining shreds out"

their terrified screams deafens you.

ʚ ✦ ♥︎ ∞ ☾ ɞ

thank you for making it this far! i hope you're enjoying the oneshots written by the owners!

vote goal —  300 🌷

+ this one is my favorite lmaooo

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